cdrw 1622 problems...


Senior member
Dec 11, 1999
I had this drive working fine for 2 years, then one day it wouldn't read anything. Win98 device manager still recognizes it, no conflicts, just stopped reading. It's the latest firmware revision. Tried it on 3 separate computers with Win98, still won't read. I called Memorex, no rma (past warranty). Mechanically it still works great, seems a shame to have to throw it away. Any ideas?


Diamond Member
Apr 9, 2001
i had this drive also. but for me, it just stopped burning cd's all of a sudden. didn't feeling like going through all the mess to get the drive working again since it was so old. so i just went out and bought a plextor 12/10/32.


Senior member
Dec 11, 1999
Okay, this is interesting. When I boot it up without the ide hooked up (just power), it spins no-stop. But when I boot it up hooked up correctly, it doesn't spin. Any tech people who can tell me why that is?


Senior member
Apr 15, 2000
technically, the drive is just taunting you, what's it's trying to do is, say come on! i dare you to make me work for you, I've worked 2 year's and now I'm taking a break, and i'll just spin without the ide just to make you think there's hope. I had one of these drives for around 3 years, then i just upgraded even though it didn't break because i didn't have to to wait for it to burn everything at 2x. The time has come, upgrade, relieve it's pain, put it back in a box and never look back.


Senior member
Dec 11, 1999
I will not be toyed with. I will make this drive bend to my will. No drive taunts TomServo and gets away with it. If I don't quash this little rebellion, and soon, I may end up with a full scale mutiny on my hands. Lord knows my hard drives have been waiting to get back at me loading them full of data and driving them at such high FSB speeds. Give up now? Oh no my friend, this time it's personal. :|

Besides, I've already upgraded twice, this one's just been sitting in the closet for months. ;)


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
I'm not sure, but I think this may be the burner that is based on the Philips CDD-3610? If so, you might want to look at this thread. I went through a real hassle with it.

I also would suggest using a cleaner cd. And, I believe there are a couple web sites that discuss problems with the Philips burner. This model and a couple others. BTW, AFAIK, this was the most OEM'd burner ever. I believe it was rebadge by 33+ companies. I know the 3.09 BIOS flash for the Philips worked on my Pacific Digital. Does this show up in mangler without a brand name? Mine did.