CBS brings new meaning to the word "tasteless"


Oct 9, 1999
Can't believe this hasn't been posted yet . . . well, actually, I guess I can.

Say what you will about Ronald Reagan's politics, in my opinion it's a pretty sorry thing to make a personal attack on an old man who can't even defend himself from outright lies.



Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Marlin Fitzwater, who was the White House press secretary for two of Reagan's eight years in office, asked rhetorically in an interview: "Does it show he had the longest and strongest recovery in postwar history? That the economy, stimulated by the tax cuts, was creating something like 200,000 jobs a month, for years?"

Most economists believe the Fed, not Reagan, was responsible for the recovery by slashing rates in 82' loosening the money supply. Plus it a lie anyway Kennedy-Johnson expansion was longer: 106 months compared to Reagan's 92. Plus the tax cuts are a lie too Kennedy-Johnson had top rates of 71% and higher taxes accross the board for corps. Sounds like they were nice to him..

Did'nt mention the rise of two-paycheck households needed to maintain the same standard of living, the polarization of the nation's wealth, going from being the world's greatest creditor nation to its greatest debtor nation, unconsititutional police powers of IRS and DEA...etc. I guess thier was'nt time?

What Reagan did is get out the Credit Card and treat America to Lunch, problem is we are still paying for it 28% of our tax money goes straight to T-bill holders, many foreign, not paying priciple, taking away from goods and services today and the future.


Oct 29, 1999
The left has never gotten over the fact Reagan was a great president. :D

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
The Movie should be called "Asleep at the Wheel, the Story of Ronald Waxhead and the Dragon Lady"


Elite member
Apr 15, 2000

That's too charitable. :)

The guy was a complete meathead. Shoulda' had a stew named after him....



Jul 25, 2002
I lived throught the Reagan years where he ran Californina as Governor - into the ground,
and as in his years as President proceded to do the same for the whole country.
This was the expansion of the Partisan Politics that we live with today, and where
the Religiios Right took over the Republican Party and forced their narrowminded
agenda on the rest of the party - in the name of Regan Patriotism.

The present Republican leadership is trying to Cannonize Ronnie as Sait Reagan,
but almost everything he did was nothing more thasn taht of beinf a mouthpiese for
a party that he didn't have a clue about what they were doing behing his back -
and he didn't care, as he did not want to be informed of the actual facts of anything.

The Great Communicator ? More like the Great Tele-Promptor Reader.
His politiacal machine - those who orchestrated his mouthings, are the
same ones who we have blundering thier way around Washington today.

It's going to be interesting to watch all the Right Wing Conservatives defend him
against the truth in his actions, this is going to be 95 % truth with 5% embelishment.
and they will try to make it look like he could do no wrong.

And by the way - California even today has not recovered from the ignorant policies
that he and his people stuck on California way back then in the 70's and 80's.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Hey we kicked Greneda's ass when he was President. We showed them spice growing Islanders who was boss! It also helped draw Americans attention away from the debacle in Beruit where over two hundred unarmed Marines were killed.


Platinum Member
Jun 14, 2001
Geez, you guys can't even be objective at all can you. After the crappy Jimmy carter years Reagan was a Dream.

He lowered the tax rate, cut needless programs and outspent the soviet union causing there collapse. Yes we did have a larger deficit but there was no way congress was going to curtail it's spending, they love the pork to much.

We need to stop overspending !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Mrburns2007
Geez, you guys can't even be objective at all can you. After the crappy Jimmy carter years Reagan was a Dream.

He lowered the tax rate, cut needless programs and outspent the soviet union causing there collapse. Yes we did have a larger deficit but there was no way congress was going to curtail it's spending, they love the pork to much.

We need to stop overspending !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes he was better than Carter. After he was shot though he wasn't all there.


Oct 9, 1999
"Say what you will about Ronald Reagan's politics, in my opinion it's a pretty sorry thing to make a personal attack on an old man who can't even defend himself from outright lies."

No one has any response to that? Whether you like the guy or not is moot, IMO.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: X-Man
"Say what you will about Ronald Reagan's politics, in my opinion it's a pretty sorry thing to make a personal attack on an old man who can't even defend himself from outright lies."

No one has any response to that? Whether you like the guy or not is moot, IMO.
Were you even alive when he was in office?


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: X-Man
"Say what you will about Ronald Reagan's politics, in my opinion it's a pretty sorry thing to make a personal attack on an old man who can't even defend himself from outright lies."

No one has any response to that? Whether you like the guy or not is moot, IMO.
Were you even alive when he was in office?


Uh, yeah. I was alive when Carter was in office, too.


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2001
this "reagan" docu-drama smells to high heaven.

produced by FOB's
starring Babs husband as Reagan
Babs was "on the set" for weeks during filming (was she directing?)
made up statements placed in Reagan's mouth meant to inflame
made up statements placed in Nancy's mouth about Reagan getting impeached.

it's all a little to convenient.. wake up folks, the Clinton's are at it again. they are actively
trying to rewrite history. they are trying to project every weakness of Clinton's onto everyother
contemporary President in an effort to "lower the bar" thereby making his legacy better (relatively speaking).

remember the liberal mantra, ALL CONSERVATIVES are:

1) moron's (don't forget Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar, Gore was a genius!)
2) Immoral (Flash!, Clinton secures AIDS relief, Reagan wishes gays death)
3) liars (Clinton only lied about sex! everyone does that! Conservatives lie about "important stuff")

this is all in an effort to minimize and polish Clinton's legacy.

the timing is priceless..


Nov 17, 2002
Originally posted by: heartsurgeon
this "reagan" docu-drama smells to high heaven.

produced by FOB's
starring Babs husband as Reagan
Babs was "on the set" for weeks during filming (was she directing?)
made up statements placed in Reagan's mouth meant to inflame
made up statements placed in Nancy's mouth about Reagan getting impeached.

it's all a little to convenient.. wake up folks, the Clinton's are at it again. they are actively
trying to rewrite history. they are trying to project every weakness of Clinton's onto everyother
contemporary President in an effort to "lower the bar" thereby making his legacy better (relatively speaking).

remember the liberal mantra, ALL CONSERVATIVES are:

1) moron's (don't forget Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar, Gore was a genius!)
2) Immoral (Flash!, Clinton secures AIDS relief, Reagan wishes gays death)
3) liars (Clinton only lied about sex! everyone does that! Conservatives lie about "important stuff")

this is all in an effort to minimize and polish Clinton's legacy.

the timing is priceless..

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: heartsurgeon
this "reagan" docu-drama smells to high heaven.

produced by FOB's
starring Babs husband as Reagan
Babs was "on the set" for weeks during filming (was she directing?)
made up statements placed in Reagan's mouth meant to inflame
made up statements placed in Nancy's mouth about Reagan getting impeached.

it's all a little to convenient.. wake up folks, the Clinton's are at it again. they are actively
trying to rewrite history. they are trying to project every weakness of Clinton's onto everyother
contemporary President in an effort to "lower the bar" thereby making his legacy better (relatively speaking).

remember the liberal mantra, ALL CONSERVATIVES are:

1) moron's (don't forget Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar, Gore was a genius!)
2) Immoral (Flash!, Clinton secures AIDS relief, Reagan wishes gays death)
3) liars (Clinton only lied about sex! everyone does that! Conservatives lie about "important stuff")

this is all in an effort to minimize and polish Clinton's legacy.

the timing is priceless..
Bwuahahahahaha!!! Have you thought about applying as a temp Host for Rush while he is getting detoxed?


Nov 17, 2002
Originally posted by: sbp
The left has never gotten over the fact Reagan was a great president. :D

True ... if you like deficits & voodoo economics, latch-key families, unregulated monopolies, religious zealotry (& hypocrisy), unprecedented scandals, raping the environment, assaults on worker's rights, and government policy by astrology.

Reagan certainly wasn't as bad as Bush the lesser, but he never rose above mediocre. His biggest strength was personal charisma.


Elite member
Apr 15, 2000
So, the piece is utterly without truth, or it casts your man in the wrong light? Do you really think political figures should be judged solely on their very best accomplishments, or should they be judged upon their entire record? My teenage daughter wants to know the answer because she got a 96 on her Honors Algebra II final, but ended up with a B because of a couple of poor quizzes. :), You know, the implications for your approach are mind-boggling. :), Anyway, its a GOLLYWOOD production, so what do you expect? If they painted him as perfect who'd watch it? And he was hardly perfect. <cough, cough>

Reagan wasn't a complete failure, but only the neo-cons and other True Believers think he was GOD!

Good grief, man, get a grip.

I hope you don't use this sort of thinking in your medical practice, assuming you ARE a heart surgeon.

As for X-Man's view that this piece is an attack on a defenseless man, I say so what? Should we wait until he's dead before we write, speak, or create movies about him? Don't confuse his unfortunate mental condition with the guy who was President. I feel badly for him and Nancy now, but he was a major political figure. He has been a free-ranging target since the 1940s....Life's tough, then you die.



Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Frankly I don't see what the big deal is. In fact if the Right just ignored it and didn't complain so loudly I doubt that that many people will watch it, especially if it is up against Survivor;)


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2001
1. does anyone take a "docu-drama" seriously or as fact?
2. someone said we werent being objective. which is true...but it seems unclear to me that we should be objective. i like to think of myself as open but i do have opinions.
3. whatever happens in this movie will not change my opinion of him. i doubt it will watch it
4. but its presence annoys me becuase it is just creating a larger divide between the parties. already i have read in this thread that movies have been hi-jacked by liberals.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
I think heartsurgeon is trying to become the exact opposite of BOBDN. Where BOBDN disses Bush in every thread he posts in, heartsurgeon does the same with Clinton. I think if they ever touched, there'd be a galaxy-ending explosion on par with a matter/anti-matter reaction.


Nov 17, 2002
Originally posted by: Gaard
I think heartsurgeon is trying to become the exact opposite of BOBDN. Where BOBDN disses Bush in every thread he posts in, heartsurgeon does the same with Clinton. I think if they ever touched, there'd be a galaxy-ending explosion on par with a matter/anti-matter reaction.



Jun 4, 2003
Originally posted by: X-Man
"Say what you will about Ronald Reagan's politics, in my opinion it's a pretty sorry thing to make a personal attack on an old man who can't even defend himself from outright lies."

No one has any response to that? Whether you like the guy or not is moot, IMO.

If the media can make positive docudramas lionizing Bush about 9/11 then they can make negative docudramas about Reagan. You can't have it only one way.


Nov 17, 2002
Originally posted by: nowareman
Originally posted by: X-Man
"Say what you will about Ronald Reagan's politics, in my opinion it's a pretty sorry thing to make a personal attack on an old man who can't even defend himself from outright lies."

No one has any response to that? Whether you like the guy or not is moot, IMO.

If the media can make positive docudramas lionizing Bush about 9/11 then they can make negative docudramas about Reagan. You can't have it only one way.
Sure they can. They insist on it. Diversity and tolerance for other's ideas are foreign concepts.