Case interviews


Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2005
I have case interviews scheduled next week for a mktg analyst position at a financial firm... What kind of questions should I expect.. Any tips?


Golden Member
Jan 19, 2006
I've had IT case questions, they were along the lines of we have so and so system and wanna build a new one, so given whatever details walk me through how you'd go about doing this. Approach I tried to go for was ask alotta questions to iron out details you should know, and work from there, thinking aloud and talking out your steps. I've only had a few of these though so I'm definitely no expert. Plus I was going for IT consulting so I really don't know what mkt questions are like.


Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2005
Thats their name for the position... More akin to the Consulting Business Analyst (Internal) role...involves lots of data analysis and recommendations based on that....


Diamond Member
Oct 26, 2000
Just think about how you would answer a question like "How many cabs are in New York City?"

In a case interview, the potential employer wants to see your ability to analyze a problem. They want to see that you are employing logical thinking in solving the problem. There really isn't a right or wrong answer in solving a case, so you don't need to worry about that.


Diamond Member
Sep 18, 2002
Originally posted by: ManSnake
Just think about how you would answer a question like "How many cabs are in New York City?"

In a case interview, the potential employer wants to see your ability to analyze a problem. They want to see that you are employing logical thinking in solving the problem. There really isn't a right or wrong answer in solving a case, so you don't need to worry about that.

yes, that is true for the generic case questions like the example you gave (e.g. what is the approximate number of blue cars on the road at 5 PM in the US on any given weekday? what is the volume in cubic feet of a boeing 737? how many pizza parlors are in the united states?)

however, for a marketing type position, you better be prepared for evaluating a business case. be familiar with SWOT analysis and Porter's five forces, and how to apply those to business cases