Lots of fun replies. Keep your day jobs OK?
No clicky noise eh? Open a door so the dome light comes on. Try again. did you see any dimming of the dome light as you turned the key over? If so,
A) bad primary connection. The big wire to starter OR the ground cable. Either end, battery or motor/starter.
b) Bad starter.
No dimming?
Put it in Neutral. Try again.
If that started, then a dirty or failing neutral/park switch, located in either the column or floor shift or down on the side of the tranny itself.
Nuetral did not work?
Now check the fuzes. It is unlikely Ford fused the start circuit, but hey, he wanted cheap
Get a multimeter with sharp probes and check fusible links also, if so equipped.
The fusible links are somewhat large wires coming off the battery positive terminal, with a plastic bump on them, usually labeled in amps.
All good there? Now it gets technical. bad starter relay maybe, and I don't mean the big honker on older fords. Look for a plastic module near or in the fuse block, labeled as such.
For more specific actions, refer to a repair manual. They can be had for free at the
public library.
EDIT: Nothing but the lights work? No radio, wipers with the key on, etc?
That sounds like a fusible link or a bad ignition switch..