Car title question.


Golden Member
Apr 16, 2000
Ok so last May I bought a used Nissan Maxima, before my 30 days were up I paid sales tax, well, thought I did, long hullabaloo later, I have to pay sales tax again because of a "glitch" and yes I tried EVERYTHING to get around that.

So then I lost my job. Little while back NMAC (Nissan Motor Acceptance Co.) offers to pay my sales tax and include it in my loan total.

Ok sounds good right? So she gives me a list of things to send her from the dealer (title app, title, that sort of thing). After MORE problems (lost in the mail, yay gov.!) I finally get her that info.

She moves it along tells me how much its going to be, and then calls me back five minutes later saying she needed some other stuff from me. I called her today and she says she needs the original contract, the dealer invoice, the buyers order, and the bill of sale.

Now, at first I thought "ok great I sent you everything I had". But now I got to thinking. Why would she need the ORIGINAL contract, the dealer invoice, the buyers order, and the bill of sale?

Pretty much everything that proves I ever bought the car....

So am I being paranoid or do you guys think they are trying to pull something?