Originally posted by: Roger
As always, Roger has the well-respected opinion. The problems I am having right now are a thermostat gague that is jumping back and forth from warm to cold, a heater that takes a long time to start working, and a very high idling engine (when cold, up to 2400 RPM). Could any of these be accounted for by the vacuum line problem? That was what I brought it to Toyota for but they said leave it alone.
Listen carefully, how fast is the temp gauge jumping back and forth ?
Is it jumping to hot and then cold within a ten second period ?
The long heat up times (Interior heat) results from either a bad thermostat, low coolant or a blown head gasket.
As for the vacuum line problem, carefully look under the hood for a vacuum diagram, if you cannot find one, go out and purchase a Haynes repair manual, this will contain the vacuum diagram that is needed for proper re-installation.
Yes, a disconnected vacuum line
can cause a high cold idle speed, it can also cause misfire, poor fuel mileage and rapid engine wear.
Go to another Toyota dealer, apparently the one you went to does not have the qualified personal to properly diagnose your problem.