I know this is sounding sketch as hell, which is why you're asking me to let you know where I really got the key, but that's the truth. I'll walk you through it.
-Set up VPN w/ school
-Connect to DL site using username and unique passcode that I set up (through Opera/IE)
-Find the software that I need that has been licensed/allowable for me to DL (Office 03, Office 07, Mac Office 04, MS Project, MS Visio, etc.). The OS that I have available to me are: XP Pro 32/64, Vista Enterprise w/ SP1 (32 only), XP Tablet Edition. The only one that I have given out is Office 04 for Mac and that was for my sister who owns a Macbook and I didn't see a reason for her to buy it when I have it and won't ever use it.
-Checkmark 2 boxes saying I won't share.
-If the program requires a CD key a page pops up w/ the key prominently displayed w/ what program it is for.
-Then go to the actual dl page
W/o the VPN and the username/passcode you can't get in. I would think that VT bought enterprise so that they could license it out to students w/o having to buy large quantities of Ultimate (Just a guess). I'm at work so I don't have access to my PC and by the time I get home they won't be in the office (@ school) so the best I can do is copy down all the info and see if that helps.
I will be reformatting and installing 64-bit when I get back to VT to take advantage of the full 4gb of RAM. They don't make it available on teh DL site and they don't have media, only 1 disc that they lend out for 24hrs.