Candidate comparison


Platinum Member
Jul 22, 2005
Something I noticed today. is using their comparison engine to help people decide who they want to vote for. LINK It organizes each candidate based upon their views on certain issues. Want to find out which candidate supports removing illegal immigrants? Select Social & Healthcare, Residential Illegal Immigrants, uncheck Offer path to citizenship, and click Filter Candidates. Wow.. none of the Democrats support removing them. Guess that makes my voting a little easier.

Based on the issues of reducing govt spending, removing illegals, ending affirmative action, and continuing capital punishment it looks like Alan Keyes is my candidate. Will I vote for him? Depends on if he makes it to the ballot or not.

So what do you guys think? Good idea? Accurate comparison? Obviously the Ron Paul guys have hyped him up a bunch but that still doesn't influence the results returned when looking at his views on important issues.

Note: Before the R crowd jumps all over me. Sorry if it is but a search of pricegrabber in the P&N forum returned nothing.


Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
Originally posted by: ryan256
So what do you guys think?

Well, I'm not impressed. Either it wasn't what I was expecting (contrasting their actual opinions/polices on major issues) or it's poorly designed. I just keep getting a tally of internet votes.

The major networks' sites have the info I referred to above nicely displayed.

Oh, and I get irked when illegal immigartion isn't displayed as a major issue, cuz it is despite what the media wants to think.


Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Do they have a reduced price on Tom Tancredo yet? And if I buy a Tom will they throw in a Tommy Thompson and an Evan Bayh for free? And more importantly, which merchant offers the lowest price? Are there any mailed in rebates? And how much is shipping and handling? Do they take credit cards? And if I am shipped a defective product, how do I get my money back?

These are the questions I expect price grabber to be good at answering. Otherwise, I don't think I will rely on them for any political advice.

Oct 18, 2003
I agree 0% with McCain, Giuliani, Thompson, Romney, and Huckabee on foreign policy. I guess being Canadian, I really hope they don't win. I think the really interesting thing is that some of the answers were put there because of Ron Paul and nobody else. I chose some of them.


Golden Member
Aug 26, 2003
Well color me unsurprised. It says Ron Paul. And gee, the results have Giuliani at the bottom. Again, not surprised. Heh...Seems accurate enough.


Diamond Member
Sep 23, 2006
Originally posted by: PC Surgeon
Do you have to ask what my results are?

Not a single candidate matched me more than 40%. Ron Paul pulled up the rear at 15%.

Hunter, Richardson, and McCain faired the best.

Its really a meaningless tool. Because some issues carry much more weight than other issues, and that isnt really factored in.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
What we really need to do is put the candidates on ebay. If I could just buy them for what they are worth and sell them for what they think they are worth, there are fortunes to be made.

And given Ron Paul supporters, the ebay bidding could become totally irrational.


Platinum Member
Jul 22, 2005
Originally posted by: Wreckem
Originally posted by: PC Surgeon
Do you have to ask what my results are?

Not a single candidate matched me more than 40%. Ron Paul pulled up the rear at 15%.

Hunter, Richardson, and McCain faired the best.

Its really a meaningless tool. Because some issues carry much more weight than other issues, and that isnt really factored in.

None of the candidates matched me more than 40% either but Keyes faired the best for me.
True some issues carry more weight than others but just which ones carry the most weight is different from person to person. Not everyone cares about the same things.