I used to hava a TB800 that could get no higher than 960 mhz at 9.5x101 not matter what I did. I ended up running this TB at 918 8.5x108 to maximize the FSB overclocking of the entire system.
Even if I inreased voltage, I still could not get the FSB above 108 stable. I just figured that was the best my mobo (Abit KT7) could handle. I've read that most TB systems have difficulty overclocking the FSB above 107-108 anyways so I figured my system was fell into that norm.
Well I went out and bought a 1ghz TB yesterday since it's now under $200 and since I was dying to have a system that could run at 1 ghz.
I did the pencil trick and plopped in the TB. This 1ghz TB locks up at 1100 1.1x100 at max voltage. I can only get to 1050 10.5x100 by overclocking the multiplier. I've tried different combinations like 10.5x105 and they all lockup at max voltage.
The problem is not heat. The system does not get hotter than 109F on the VIA system monitor. I think the software monitor gives reading about 5-10F lower than actual but nonetheless, I know heat is not the problem.
Now the wierd part. If I overclock the FSB, I can get 1100 10x110 stable at 1.775v. I had it going pretty good at default voltage at 10x110 but Madden 2K1 locked up after about 2 hours so I bumped up the voltage .25 and I haven't had problems since. Maybe I can get higher, I don't know cause I haven't tried. I using the same mobo, same everything so why does my mobo now run at a FBS of 110 with the 1ghz TB?
I thought the FSB was strictly mobo dependent and not CPU dependent, meaning if I couldn't do FSB 110 with the TB800, I shouldn't be able to do FSB 110 with 1ghz TB.
I know that my system at 1100 100x110 is running faster than it would if it were at 1100 11x100 so I'm perfectly happy with my new 1ghz TB, I'm just curious as to why my system is so receptive to FSB overclocking now with the 1ghz TB when it wasn't that way with the TB800.
Even if I inreased voltage, I still could not get the FSB above 108 stable. I just figured that was the best my mobo (Abit KT7) could handle. I've read that most TB systems have difficulty overclocking the FSB above 107-108 anyways so I figured my system was fell into that norm.
Well I went out and bought a 1ghz TB yesterday since it's now under $200 and since I was dying to have a system that could run at 1 ghz.
I did the pencil trick and plopped in the TB. This 1ghz TB locks up at 1100 1.1x100 at max voltage. I can only get to 1050 10.5x100 by overclocking the multiplier. I've tried different combinations like 10.5x105 and they all lockup at max voltage.
The problem is not heat. The system does not get hotter than 109F on the VIA system monitor. I think the software monitor gives reading about 5-10F lower than actual but nonetheless, I know heat is not the problem.
Now the wierd part. If I overclock the FSB, I can get 1100 10x110 stable at 1.775v. I had it going pretty good at default voltage at 10x110 but Madden 2K1 locked up after about 2 hours so I bumped up the voltage .25 and I haven't had problems since. Maybe I can get higher, I don't know cause I haven't tried. I using the same mobo, same everything so why does my mobo now run at a FBS of 110 with the 1ghz TB?
I thought the FSB was strictly mobo dependent and not CPU dependent, meaning if I couldn't do FSB 110 with the TB800, I shouldn't be able to do FSB 110 with 1ghz TB.
I know that my system at 1100 100x110 is running faster than it would if it were at 1100 11x100 so I'm perfectly happy with my new 1ghz TB, I'm just curious as to why my system is so receptive to FSB overclocking now with the 1ghz TB when it wasn't that way with the TB800.