Can Netbooks do much else besides surf the internet ?


Diamond Member
Dec 26, 2001
Topic pretty much says it all, I went to CNet and they had this netbook >>> The ASUS Eee PC 1005HA Netbook listed under their top 5 laptops>>>

If they can do more please give program examples and how the performance is.

thank you.


Platinum Member
Apr 22, 2001
Have you tried googling reviews of the 1005HA or other netbooks? They frequently talk about app performance. Some of the new ion based netbooks can run COD4 but I don't know if the 1005HA is ion based.


No Lifer
Nov 30, 2004
They do routine office type tasks fine. They aren't meant to be gaming machines, video encoders or anything like that. You can browse the web, send email, create spreadsheets, and play solitaire. They're super portable, and you pay for that with reduced performance. It's like every other computer, you trade off features to get the ones that are most important to you. If you want everything, you pay dearly for it.


Jul 14, 2000
Originally posted by: lxskllr
They do routine office type tasks fine. They aren't meant to be gaming machines, video encoders or anything like that. You can browse the web, send email, create spreadsheets, and play solitaire. They're super portable, and you pay for that with reduced performance. It's like every other computer, you trade off features to get the ones that are most important to you. If you want everything, you pay dearly for it.

good summary. i love my netbook and it does what i wanted. i had a desktop and stopped using a thinkpad to take this around. I have an eee 1000h and get good battery life, go online, do basic office tasks stuff for homework, play old games (diablo 2, call of duty 1, that sort of thing). i also watch converted video on it. doesnt seem to handle even 720p HD very well, even plugged in and with the OC utility running, but its good enough to kill time when im bored or on a trip.

the screen is quite bright, and i almost never run it at 100%. battery life is ~3.5 - 4 hours depending on usage. the speakers are worthless, but i keep earbuds in my bag. its definitely easier to carry than the t60 i had, which was relatively small and light compared to a lot of laptops.

you wont be working on several things at once. even with 2gb ram and windows xp, its not a big multitasker. i leave firefox open, and pidgin, and maybe one or two tasks like a document or something. much more than that and it starts to get noticeably slow.


No Lifer
Nov 30, 2004
Originally posted by: xSauronx

i love my netbook and it does what i wanted. i had a desktop and stopped using a thinkpad to take this around.

Same. I have the Eee900 running Ubuntu, and I gave my mother my dual core Vista notebook. Size is most important to me, and the Eee does everything I need it to, and it fits in my cargo pocket :^)


Diamond Member
Nov 18, 2004
I have a eee1101. The larger screen makes it a lot easier.

I browse the internet, do schoolwork on it, and watch tv shows. I don't game or anything else really intense. That's what I have my desktop for.


Diamond Member
Feb 10, 2002
I bought Dell mini 10v netbook last month and I fell in love cuz it is so small and light I put it in my backpack spent alot of my time at the library and bookstore. I have desktop and 15in laptop I won't sell them because they are dual core I might need them to do heavy duty program. Netbook is for basic simple task.


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2003
I used to compile and simulate my VHDL designs for my VHDL class on my 1000ha. It wasn't too fast, it may take 5 minutes to do one simulation while my Quad would take 30 seconds or less (makes you double check your work better before compiling.)

I also use my 1000HA for pspice circuit designs while I'm working in my labs.

It does alright in Office 2007.

All around it's pretty comparable to my older P4-M laptop.

Netbooks are full-fledged X86 computers, so they can run anything, it's just a question of how patient you are.


Jun 23, 2001
The 1005HA is not Ion based, its standard Atom+GMA 950 based. I had a 904HA earlier this year, sold it because it was too weak to do much of anything useful, bought a Dell Studio 14z instead. Still small and light, but actually has the power to do more than light Office and Firefox.


Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2006
Originally posted by: lxskllr
Originally posted by: xSauronx
i love my netbook and it does what i wanted.[...] stopped using a thinkpad to take this around.
Same.[...] Size is most important to me, and the Eee does everything I need it to[...]

I'm a power user. The only gaming I do is 'My Brute', 'FarmVille', et cetera - flash apps.

Never tried encoding a video on my netty, but I'm sure it would do it - given enough time.

Really, I'm with you guys! The SIZE is the whole thing for me!

It's the perfect size for... everything! :D


Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2006
Originally posted by: EarthwormJim
Netbooks are full-fledged X86 computers, so they can run anything, it's just a question of how patient you are.
Yep! And, I have the patience of Job...

Actually, I kind of enjoy an extra few seconds of I/O action here n' there.

Netties are VERY FUN AND RELAXING to use, IMHO!

My Asus 1000HD is one of the favorite machines in my stable, now that I've tweaked Mint 7 (and the oddball touchpad driver).

I haven't lugged my 15.4" Toshy around in months - although I still use it here at the abode...


Elite Member | Peripherals
Super Moderator
Mar 4, 2000
Besides surfing the Internet (a spare time activity for a worker) the netbooks can adequately do all work embodied in Microsoft Office and other programs used by those who work for a living. It is probably not so good as a toy, but that is not what it is designed for. It is really a very good road warrior's working tool.


Diamond Member
Feb 10, 2002
Originally posted by: corkyg
Besides surfing the Internet (a spare time activity for a worker) the netbooks can adequately do all work embodied in Microsoft Office and other programs used by those who work for a living. It is probably not so good as a toy, but that is not what it is designed for. It is really a very good road warrior's working tool.

you need to give up your thinkpad and HP and go with netbook for your traveling.


Elite Member | Peripherals
Super Moderator
Mar 4, 2000
Originally posted by: Rottie
you need to give up your thinkpad and HP and go with netbook for your traveling.
Good point, and that is a definite possibility - as soon as I can find one with an Express slot and an eSATA port. What is am envisioning is a convergence of netbooks and notebooks.



Jun 23, 2001
Originally posted by: corkyg
Besides surfing the Internet (a spare time activity for a worker) the netbooks can adequately do all work embodied in Microsoft Office and other programs used by those who work for a living. It is probably not so good as a toy, but that is not what it is designed for. It is really a very good road warrior's working tool.

I would disagree with this post. For lighter Office tasks, no problem. But if your dealing with large Excel spreadsheets or Access databases, that Atom is going to choke badly. The AMD Neo and the A64 L110 in the Gateway line will perform better at this, and the C2S CULV likely better still.

If I was a road warrior, I'd be looking at something like this.


Elite Member
Oct 13, 1999
I have a netbook (MSI Wind) and a notebook (Gateway Core 2 Duo, 4GB RAM, Radeon Mobility 2600 XT, 15.4" LCD). I bought both of them last fall. I've used the netbook about 100x more than the notebook. Of course I've used my main rig about 100,000,000 times more than the netbook.

My wife has the same two portables (except different color on the netbook). She uses the notebook a lot more than the netbook, probably flip-flopped from my usage patterns.

Everyone is different and everyone's usage patterns, patience levels and computing needs are different. Thus, the answer to the OP's question is YES, a netbook can do much more than surf the net and NO the netbook is insufficient for doing much more than surfing the net.


Elite Member | Peripherals
Super Moderator
Mar 4, 2000
Originally posted by: Bateluer
If I was a road warrior, I'd be looking at something like this.

That is a very good example of what I mean my convergence. A notebook at a netbook price. :)


Oct 11, 1999
I'm thinking a 3G enabled netbook, 6+ cell battery, with Google Voice would just about replace my smartphone.


Diamond Member
Feb 10, 2002
Originally posted by: corkyg
Originally posted by: Rottie
you need to give up your thinkpad and HP and go with netbook for your traveling.
Good point, and that is a definite possibility - as soon as I can find one with an Express slot and an eSATA port. What is am envisioning is a convergence of netbooks and notebooks.

esata on netbook I dont know but if your external hdd has both usb and esata then you can get netbook with reasonable price.


Elite Member | Peripherals
Super Moderator
Mar 4, 2000
I can get there this way - the Lenovo S12 has models with an Express card slot. I have a nifty eSATA Express card. That could work. The downside is that now the price drifts up above $500. That is convergence. :)


Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2006
Originally posted by: corkyg
Originally posted by: Bateluer
If I was a road warrior, I'd be looking at something like this.

That is a very good example of what I mean my convergence. A notebook at a netbook price. :)
Said it many, many times... and I guess I'll say it again! :D

I've always thought that 12" is the perfect size panel for lappies... and now netties.

I could do without the wide-screen nonsense, but...


12" lappies used to cost an arm-and-a-leg, so I'm pleased that this convergence, so called, is taking place!