Can I file/print share my Win2K PC on an Apple network?


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Hey all,

I was messing with my home Win2K PC today, with my network protocols for my home LAN....and I noticed that you can install an Appletalk protocol. What I was wondering is whether or not I can install that on my office computer (also a Win2K machine) and see the other computers/be seen by the other computers on the appletalk network in that building? Basically, it is a graphic design building with a ton of macs (BLECCHHH), and when you go to chooser on them, you can pick the building you want on campus, and each individual computer within that building. I want my PC to show up there so I can file transfer to and from the studios from my office. Also, I REALLY just want to be able to have EVERYONE who goes to their chooser see my computer, which is aptly named "MACSMACKER". :) Also, printing on the Applewriters and the Epson 3000's on the network wouldn't be bad.

By the way.... I will do this with or without additionaly software if need be, but I am more hoping that I can do it WITHOUT. --Basically, I want to be able to see the macs in my network places.





Platinum Member
Oct 11, 1999
I think that it should work...

the only thing i have heard that may be a problem is appletalk accross subnets but that depends on the type of routers used in your building and of course whether you have seperate subnets...

If you have any specific problems email me and I may be able to help you..i know sombody who has to deal with that everyday..

email: sam


Mar 24, 2000
I think that your printers have to support Postscript to be shared. Could be wrong cause its been a long time since I did this.