Originally posted by: AlienCraft
Originally posted by: cr4zymofo
Originally posted by: AlienCraft If the (th Circuit Court upholds the original election date of Oct.7 th, TODAY is the last day to register for that election. If you don't vote, then don't bitch about what happens. I now return you to your regularly scheduled neffing.
Pssst..... your votes, my votes, don't count (if they do, they're counted in a phucked up way). Why bother?
If you don't vote your heart, conscience, whatever, and only vote along party lines, you're absolutely right. If you allow a minority viewpoint to become a majority of the votes cast, you're absolutely right. Regardless of your political stance, to NOT vote is to allow someone of an opposite POV to overrule your position, unanswered. Since all politicians depend on the approval of the voters to remain in office, you then allow a skewed sample to reflect the whole. If you vote in good faith and with real conviction to your views, you're wrong. If you are not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. If every young (18 -25 yo) person of voting age voted, you would be a formidable voteing block which could seriously affect public policy. Look what happened in the late '60s when 18 yo were allowed to vote. Vietnam went from being voter approved to voter denied in short order. Todays youth is too cynical, overindulged and lazy to take their rights and responsibilities seriously. < Blatant flame bait. Prove me wrong. Go vote, dumbass </RED>