CA Sales tax is back down 1%?

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Feb 19, 2001
I almost thought the 2009 increase was permanent. Yes I know there's almost no doubt that it will get extended, but I almost forgot that it came back down.. did it expire in April of this year?

Haha. Saved myself $1 today when I was on Newegg and saw that tax was only 8.25%.. Only.... Har. Well here's to enjoying it before it goes back up... permanently


Diamond Member
Jan 24, 2004
Local sales tax here is brutal. Like 12% or something crazy... It's especially disheartening being that I live in such a shit hole city (Montgomery AL).


Dec 6, 2004
Only LA county is 9.25%. Orange County is 8.25%. I heard that Santa Monica raised theirs to 10.25%.


Platinum Member
Mar 5, 2008
Still coming up as 9.75% in LA county for me. 8.25% in Riverside county.


No Lifer
Feb 26, 2006

The "temporary" 1% increase is scheduled to expire on July1, but don't hold your breath...

"If a tax hike measure goes on the ballot, supporters are likely to request a tax hike of $12.5 billion a year. This would include re-instating $9.2 billion in temporary tax increases imposed in February 2009 for five additional years.[4] A $12.5 billion annual tax increase would reduce by half the state's projected $25 billion annual budget deficit. The other $12.5 billion needed to reduce the budget deficit to zero would come from spending cuts.[4]

$9.2 billion in temporary taxes were imposed in February 2009. Those taxes end on July 1, 2011. A 2011 ballot proposition voted on after the July 1 expiration would re-instate those taxes for an additional five years. The February 2009 tax package:

Imposed a 0.25% surcharge for each income tax rate. This surcharge ended on January 1, 2011.[5]
Lowered the dependent exemption credit from $309 to $99. This change ended on January 1, 2011.[5]
Increased the California sales tax by 1%. This increase is scheduled to end on July 1, 2011.[5]
Increased the state's motor vehicle license fee from 0.65% to 1.15%. This increase is scheduled to end on July 1, 2011."

As much as I'd like to see these "temporary tax increases" expire, I doubt they will. The state is in too much of a financial crisis for the legislators to allow it to happen.
Cutting spending is a great idea, but you can only cut so far before it starts causing more damage to the economy than it will cure.

Let's put a "temporary" tax on alcoholic beverages. $1 per 12 oz. beer, $20 per 750 ml bottle of wine, $25 per 750 ml bottle of hard liquor.
Oh wait...the alcoholic beverage industry has too strong of a lobby to permit that...they've bought way too many of our elected officials.


Diamond Member
Oct 26, 2008
How is adding a $20 tax to wine going to do any good anyway? What does the wine industry do that hurts California so much that it should be taxed like that? Most of the wine I buy is less than $20 as it is. That would be ridiculous. The only thing that would do is drive the wineries to do things like stop selling in California, or move elsewhere. Or our Colorado wineries would become a lot more popular.

That's just a stupid idea. If you want to tax alcohol, fine, I really wouldn't care even if I lived in CA, but it would have to be a reasonable amount.
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