Buying a new card. Advice?please


Mar 18, 2013
I got my rig back in early 09. After finishing it, I just stopped giving any attention to any hardware developments until now.
Although the current 295 is suffice for most of my needs (WoW, Borderlands 2, Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2), I'd like a noticeable upgrade, plus the 295 causes too much heat and consumes too much power (I live in Texas). Thanks guys!

System Specs:
CPU: i7 920 D0 Oced to 4.2
Mobo: Evga X58 E760 Classified
Video Card: 1x Evga GTX295(single PCB version)
Cooling: CPU and mobo are water(SB/NB/V-reg) single 3x120mm rad. V-card stock air.
Resolution: 1920x1080
PSU: Corsair AH1000w
Case: CoolerMaster Cosmos 1000

Purchase detail:
Budge: under $250
Preferences on brand:
for N-card, Evga only. (N-card preferred)
for A-card, never used them before, but do not reject them.
Cooling: Stock air only.
SLI/CF: prefer not.
Primary use:
WoW, Borderlands 2, Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2. All maxed out smoothy.
OC: Really depends on the card itself. If it runs not too hard, I will.

Further comment:
My rig is turned on 24*365. and most of the time is completely idle.
So a lower power consumption is preferred.

thank you guys.
I have decide to go with a 7950. But it seems theres something in it..
Like some of them are voltage unlockable, some are not...
And some are using a 7970 PCB...
How do I choose the right one? Anyone keeps a list(or partial list) of those preferable brands/model??
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Memory & Storage, Graphics Cards Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 13, 2008
If you can push the budget just a bit, I would recommend a 7950, plus they OC quite well. Can be had for about $279 AR, make sure you get one voltage unlocked. Also comes with free games.


Aug 10, 2009
The most graphically demanding game you mentioned is BL2. A GTX-660 will play that fine. Unless you want to crank PhysX on high. Then you'll need a GTX-660ti You can get a EVGA GTX-660 for $220 or a GTX-660ti for $295. Or if you don't care about PhysX you could also look at a HD-7850 2gig for $180. Both companies have add on bundles right now. Depending on which one of those, if any, that you like it might increase your value for one over the others.


Mar 18, 2013
thank you guys.
I have decide to go with a 7950. But it seems theres something in it..
Like some of them are voltage unlockable, some are not...
And some are using a 7970 PCB...
How do I choose the right one? Anyone keeps a list(or partial list) of those preferable brands/model??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2001
thank you guys.
I have decide to go with a 7950. But it seems theres something in it..
Like some of them are voltage unlockable, some are not...
And some are using a 7970 PCB...
How do I choose the right one? Anyone keeps a list(or partial list) of those preferable brands/model??

The one Shmee linked is a great card for the price.

This card is only that I know of left that still uses the 7970 PCB - But it's not guaranteed when you order one.

It doesn't have the best fan, but it has time and time again proven to be the best overclocker for 7950's. Even most of the 7950 PCB versions overclock well.


Memory & Storage, Graphics Cards Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 13, 2008
yes SOME of the twin frorzrs have the 7970 PCB, but I think it is a slimmer possibility these days. The 2L version of the sapphire dual X OC card, (I got the 3L) used to be cheaper, but went back up in price. It uses a reference PCB, the one I got is non reference I believe.

All 3 of them are great cards, I would go with the cheapest option at the time of purchase, unless you have a particular preference for one of them.