Bush "Un"Fair Labor Act starts Monday, Millions will suffer


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Thank you Mr President A$$hat for lowering the the quality of life of Millions of Americans by lowering our pay.

Couple of things happening and now I see why because I did not realize this Law went into effect next week. We have had friends fired from theor jobs the last few weeks for inexplacable reasons including one that just had her yearly review the week before with a glowing report.

What's happening is that Companies are firing the senior employees that were working the hardest and getting the most in overtime pay and now hiring new hires at lower pay and making the positions no longer eligible for overtime.

The Bush Administration has to be labed in History as the most destructive to the American people in history, not just what they have done to America's identity to the World.

This also explains why these jobs I have been applying to have no Overtime Pay where they used to besides for the starting rates near what is considered to be the poverty level. If you factor in having to pay for Health Insurance, certainly way below poverty level.

8-19-2004 Contentious Overtime Overhaul to Start Monday

WASHINGTON - In an unprecedented overhaul of the nation's overtime pay rules, the Bush administration is delivering to its business allies an election-year plum they've sought for decades.

The new rules take effect Monday after surviving many efforts by Democrats, labor unions and worker advocates to block them in Congress and kill them through public and political pressure.

The Labor Department (news - web sites) says as many as 107,000 workers could lose overtime eligibility under its new rules, but about 1.3 million will gain it. The Economic Policy Institute, a liberal Washington think tank, says 6 million will lose, and only a few will get new rights to premium pay for working more than 40 hours a week.

After an uproar from Democrats and labor leaders about the initial proposal and unsuccessful attempts in Congress, with the help of moderate Republicans, to block the final plan, the rules were revised. The Fair Pay title was added and estimates of the number of workers affected were trimmed.

Language was removed suggesting employers could avoid extra overtime costs by cutting the hourly wages of newly eligible workers and adding back the overtime to equal the original salary.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
It's already clear that the Labor Dept Bush minions are WRONG that only 107,000 people would have their pay lowered.

It will certainly be millions and probably a lot more than the 6 million figure.

My question is, can the Kerry Administration reverse this Atrocity against the American people come January???


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2000
Man, I hope the company I work for won't be so greedy as to lower themselves to doing this.


Elite Member
Sep 20, 2003
Firing senior personnel for cheaper newbies has been going on for years and years in right to work states.

What I don't get... is why some people are entitled and others are exempt. I have read a few articles on this and do not see the reasoning behind it.

Now now now... before we get into the political hatred speech.... if someone knows how this can be legal under the equal protection laws, and what benefit it will have besides saving money for business, I would appreciate seeing it.



Oct 11, 1999
First of all, the President is not lowering ANYONE's pay. Last time I checked Bush is not an Employer. Also, if you don't like how much you are getting paid, quit, and go find one that pays you what you THINK you are worth.. if you can't find it, maybe you aren't as skilled as you think you are.

And I am sorry Dave, but if you can afford to be sitting online all day posting at Anandtech, you are certainly not trying hard enough to find a job, and you are by no means 'below or well below' the poverty level.

BTW, all the 'senior' level employees at my company sit around all day and drink coffee. They don't do a damn thing because they have been around they don't care anymore. Its generally the new employees that are working the hardest because they are the most grateful to have a job.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Crimson
First of all, the President is not lowering ANYONE's pay. Last time I checked Bush is not an Employer. Also, if you don't like how much you are getting paid, quit, and go find one that pays you what you THINK you are worth.. if you can't find it, maybe you aren't as skilled as you think you are.

And I am sorry Dave, but if you can afford to be sitting online all day posting at Anandtech, you are certainly not trying hard enough to find a job, and you are by no means 'below or well below' the poverty level.

BTW, all the 'senior' level employees at my company sit around all day and drink coffee. They don't do a damn thing because they have been around they don't care anymore. Its generally the new employees that are working the hardest because they are the most grateful to have a job.

BTW, all the 'senior' level employees at my company sit around all day and drink coffee. They don't do a damn thing because they have been around they don't care anymore. Its generally the new employees that are working the hardest because they are the most grateful to have a job.

There you go.

The Elite have spoken.


Platinum Member
Feb 10, 2002
The majority of the people who work overtime at my day job are lazy pukes that only get the extra money/time because they feel entitled to it and get nothing done during the standard work period.

The company is slowly replacing them with employees who want to work which means more money for those of us who get the job done. I haven't worked overtime in over 5 years and have no desire to do so.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: 308nato
The majority of the people who work overtime at my day job are lazy pukes that only get the extra money/time because they feel entitled to it and get nothing done during the standard work period.

The company is slowly replacing them with employees who want to work which means more money for those of us who get the job done. I haven't worked overtime in over 5 years and have no desire to do so.

Gee that's interesting, been on two interviews this week where the Companies require 55-60 hours of working time every week and none of it is overtime.

Guess every employee at these Companies are "Lazy Pukes". :roll:

"The Elite Have Spoken"


Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2000
Well, I for one, work DAMN hard and take pride in my work. But I have something that I take even more pride in, my FAMILY. Personally, I'd like to be compensated for the extra time that is taken away from my wife and two little girls. Plus, the little extra money I earn certainly doesn't hurt.

In my case, my employer usually takes on more orders than they can handle and give too short of lead times. It's usually not laziness. Saying people that work overtime are automatically lazy during their regular 40 is just plain shortsighted.

Oh, btw, overtime at my plant is mandatory, not optional.

Oh and another thing, I agree that some management at my plant are pretty pointless. One such "middle management" types just quit about two weeks ago. He never really did anything but sit in his office and collect a paycheck, so we've hardly noticed his absence.


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2000
Fortunately Bush's dream plan to really screw workers was stopped.

These new measures are quite a bit watered down from what he wanted.


Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: Crimson
First of all, the President is not lowering ANYONE's pay. Last time I checked Bush is not an Employer. Also, if you don't like how much you are getting paid, quit, and go find one that pays you what you THINK you are worth.. if you can't find it, maybe you aren't as skilled as you think you are.

BTW, all the 'senior' level employees at my company sit around all day and drink coffee. They don't do a damn thing because they have been around they don't care anymore. Its generally the new employees that are working the hardest because they are the most grateful to have a job.

What a stupid statment!! If the law allows it, the companies will do it. Corporations have no moral code, it is only the letter of the law that restricts them. Bush and the Republican controlled congress is enabling them to do it. To try and say Bush isn't doing it because he isn't an EMPLOYER is just ludicrous. It's another good example of screwing the working class over for the benifit of the coporations bottom line and I'm sure that people like you will get bigger bonuses because of it.

It's time for the working class people to get their sh1t together and vote for a change in the direction this country is heading. 20 years ago I was considered a conservative. Now I'm considered a liberal. I havne't changed my views on what's right or wrong, I'm the same person. It's laws like this that keep making me appear to be a liberal. I do find being called a liberal from idiots like you and CADkindaGuy amusing. Oh, BTW the link in your sig leads to a locked thread. RAOTFLMFAO!!

If you have "senior" level employees sitting around and drinking coffee all day then why don't they get fired? Sounds like a management problem to me and nothing that this law will help. Maybe their like my brother-in-law. He has his 20 years in and can retire any time he wishes. He jokes around and says he belongs to the KMA club. In other words, the Kiss My Ass club.

This law will only affect the blue collar workers that can't retire after 20 years. Once they have too much vacation, health problems, etc. then the cooporations will do everything they can to get rid of them, but what the hell do you care about them, right.

Your are sure a Pompous Parrot and it's obvious to me that you are just jealous of the "seniors". With a little luck, maybe one day you will be one of "seniors" and by then the laws will have changed enough that they can fire your wothless A$$.


Senior member
Apr 27, 2004
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
What a stupid statment!! If the law allows it, the companies will do it. Corporations have no moral code, it is only the letter of the law that restricts them.

So by that statement, everyone in the US makes minimum wage, right?

Do you see how absurd that is? Just because government regulation allows something in no way means corporations will make changes.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Crimson

BTW, all the 'senior' level employees at my company sit around all day and drink coffee. They don't do a damn thing because they have been around they don't care anymore. Its generally the new employees that are working the hardest because they are the most grateful to have a job.
Sounds like sour grapes coming from someone who was passed over for a promotion!


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: ciba
Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
What a stupid statment!! If the law allows it, the companies will do it. Corporations have no moral code, it is only the letter of the law that restricts them.

So by that statement, everyone in the US makes minimum wage, right?

Do you see how absurd that is? Just because government regulation allows something in no way means corporations will make changes.

"So by that statement, everyone in the US makes minimum wage, right?"

They're working on it. There is indisputable proof of that.


Sep 19, 2000
I think it is a good Idea, Why should a company offer overtime if it cant pay it or does not want to give it to people. If you are working hard and you think a company is screwing you over, quit or threaten to quit. If your doing a rinky dink job then the company will have no problem finding a replacement, If your doing an excellent job, then you probibly can find better employment elsewhere.


Elite member
Apr 15, 2000
My wife the Republican got energized over this very issue. Although her job is now safe with the final changes, she got pretty pissed off at Bush for this little regulatory stunt. (Note that Congress wouldn't pass a bill implementing these restrictions.)

But, I think these new regulations are timed perfectly. By election day, the Democrats should have about 500,000 new voters thanks to this little blunder. This is something you do in December or January after the election. What boneheads.



Diamond Member
Dec 22, 2000
Originally posted by: Cogman
I think it is a good Idea, Why should a company offer overtime if it cant pay it or does not want to give it to people. If you are working hard and you think a company is screwing you over, quit or threaten to quit. If your doing a rinky dink job then the company will have no problem finding a replacement, If your doing an excellent job, then you probibly can find better employment elsewhere.

Why should our government deliberately give companies the avenues needed to "screw over" their employees?


Jul 12, 2001
The Pres works what almost 24/7 so I think he probably thought he was on OT by Wednesday and that he gets paid by the hour.

Bush- "waitagoshdarnminute! That hurts me then... err Do I still get my OT?"

See even I can poke fun at President Bush :)

Please remember that when some dumb a$$hat calls me a neocon :)


Senior member
Apr 27, 2004
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
They're working on it. There is indisputable proof of that.

Funny how every time I change jobs I end up making 20-30% more than I did before, usually doing something I enjoy more as well.


Sep 19, 2000
Originally posted by: Darkhawk28
Originally posted by: Cogman
I think it is a good Idea, Why should a company offer overtime if it cant pay it or does not want to give it to people. If you are working hard and you think a company is screwing you over, quit or threaten to quit. If your doing a rinky dink job then the company will have no problem finding a replacement, If your doing an excellent job, then you probibly can find better employment elsewhere.

Why should our government deliberately give companies the avenues needed to "screw over" their employees?

Actually I think that the government involvment in companies should be minimal. Child laber laws and forced labor should be about the only thing they should interfear with.


Feb 4, 2002

Originally posted by: 1EZduzit
What a stupid statment!! If the law allows it, the companies will do it. Corporations have no moral code, it is only the letter of the law that restricts them.

So by that statement, everyone in the US makes minimum wage, right?

Do you see how absurd that is? Just because government regulation allows something in no way means corporations will make changes.

Originally posted by: ciba
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
They're working on it. There is indisputable proof of that.

Funny how every time I change jobs I end up making 20-30% more than I did before, usually doing something I enjoy more as well.

So by that statement all you have to do is change your job 3000 more times and you'll be making as much as Bill Gates. Why didn't I think of that. Man, your a real genius!! A regular rocket scientist. :D


Platinum Member
May 22, 2004
BTW, all the 'senior' level employees at my company sit around all day and drink coffee. They don't do a damn thing because they have been around they don't care anymore. Its generally the new employees that are working the hardest because they are the most grateful to have a job.

i agree completly new blood invigorates the company but goerge is still an a hole


Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: oldman420
BTW, all the 'senior' level employees at my company sit around all day and drink coffee. They don't do a damn thing because they have been around they don't care anymore. Its generally the new employees that are working the hardest because they are the most grateful to have a job.

i agree completly new blood invigorates the company but goerge is still an a hole

Nobody is arguing that point. Companies have to hire new people becasue companies they don't age like real people and would simply cease to exist without hiring new employees. If you live in an area with a lot of employer's and your a skilled and competaent employee then you can actually make the companies compete for you.

If you live out in the boonies like I do, in a one horse town then they can do whatever they want because they don't have to compete for your services, but you have to compete against everyone else to keep your job. I live in a Right-to-Work state, so it has been this way out here my whole working life and I can say without a shadow of a doubt it sucks the big one. Welcome to my nightmare. :)

So aren't you Bush people glad you voted for Bush? Don't you wish everyone would!!


Nov 11, 1999
First, you get a pissant taxcut, worth a few hundred a year. Then you take a hit on overtime pay, losing thousands...

Of course, they're depending on everybody remembering the taxcut part- and I'm sure many who personally get pounded will vote Bush anyway. After all, why should workers making $30K get overtime when execs making $30M work for straight time?

Employers have already discovered that working employees int the dirt at time and a half is more profitable than hiring more workers- this certainly won't help the unemployment numbers one bit...


Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: Jhhnn
First, you get a pissant taxcut, worth a few hundred a year. Then you take a hit on overtime pay, losing thousands...

Of course, they're depending on everybody remembering the taxcut part- and I'm sure many who personally get pounded will vote Bush anyway. After all, why should workers making $30K get overtime when execs making $30M work for straight time?

Employers have already discovered that working employees int the dirt at time and a half is more profitable than hiring more workers- this certainly won't help the unemployment numbers one bit...

In our area they have been working the blue collar people mandatory 50 hour work weeks for 20 years, but when it comes around to raise time they give the people the old "Things are tough out there. We're 'buying' business to just keep the doors open" and then they give you a .25/hr raise and turn around and take more then that by making you pay more for your health insurance.

The fact of the matter is that it's been going on so long that they've factored in the overtime pay to make the weekly paycheck come out where they want it, just enough to live on but not enough to be able to get ahead.