Thank you Mr President A$$hat for lowering the the quality of life of Millions of Americans by lowering our pay.
Couple of things happening and now I see why because I did not realize this Law went into effect next week. We have had friends fired from theor jobs the last few weeks for inexplacable reasons including one that just had her yearly review the week before with a glowing report.
What's happening is that Companies are firing the senior employees that were working the hardest and getting the most in overtime pay and now hiring new hires at lower pay and making the positions no longer eligible for overtime.
The Bush Administration has to be labed in History as the most destructive to the American people in history, not just what they have done to America's identity to the World.
This also explains why these jobs I have been applying to have no Overtime Pay where they used to besides for the starting rates near what is considered to be the poverty level. If you factor in having to pay for Health Insurance, certainly way below poverty level.
8-19-2004 Contentious Overtime Overhaul to Start Monday
WASHINGTON - In an unprecedented overhaul of the nation's overtime pay rules, the Bush administration is delivering to its business allies an election-year plum they've sought for decades.
The new rules take effect Monday after surviving many efforts by Democrats, labor unions and worker advocates to block them in Congress and kill them through public and political pressure.
The Labor Department (news - web sites) says as many as 107,000 workers could lose overtime eligibility under its new rules, but about 1.3 million will gain it. The Economic Policy Institute, a liberal Washington think tank, says 6 million will lose, and only a few will get new rights to premium pay for working more than 40 hours a week.
After an uproar from Democrats and labor leaders about the initial proposal and unsuccessful attempts in Congress, with the help of moderate Republicans, to block the final plan, the rules were revised. The Fair Pay title was added and estimates of the number of workers affected were trimmed.
Language was removed suggesting employers could avoid extra overtime costs by cutting the hourly wages of newly eligible workers and adding back the overtime to equal the original salary.
Couple of things happening and now I see why because I did not realize this Law went into effect next week. We have had friends fired from theor jobs the last few weeks for inexplacable reasons including one that just had her yearly review the week before with a glowing report.
What's happening is that Companies are firing the senior employees that were working the hardest and getting the most in overtime pay and now hiring new hires at lower pay and making the positions no longer eligible for overtime.
The Bush Administration has to be labed in History as the most destructive to the American people in history, not just what they have done to America's identity to the World.
This also explains why these jobs I have been applying to have no Overtime Pay where they used to besides for the starting rates near what is considered to be the poverty level. If you factor in having to pay for Health Insurance, certainly way below poverty level.
8-19-2004 Contentious Overtime Overhaul to Start Monday
WASHINGTON - In an unprecedented overhaul of the nation's overtime pay rules, the Bush administration is delivering to its business allies an election-year plum they've sought for decades.
The new rules take effect Monday after surviving many efforts by Democrats, labor unions and worker advocates to block them in Congress and kill them through public and political pressure.
The Labor Department (news - web sites) says as many as 107,000 workers could lose overtime eligibility under its new rules, but about 1.3 million will gain it. The Economic Policy Institute, a liberal Washington think tank, says 6 million will lose, and only a few will get new rights to premium pay for working more than 40 hours a week.
After an uproar from Democrats and labor leaders about the initial proposal and unsuccessful attempts in Congress, with the help of moderate Republicans, to block the final plan, the rules were revised. The Fair Pay title was added and estimates of the number of workers affected were trimmed.
Language was removed suggesting employers could avoid extra overtime costs by cutting the hourly wages of newly eligible workers and adding back the overtime to equal the original salary.