Bush backs down from ANOTHER promise


May 21, 2002
Just so everyone here is aware.

The Bush administration took no time to credit themselves with their "AIDS initiative" in Africa. Trying to do their best to make themselves look like humanitarians, it was all over the front pages of newspapers and all over the TV news.

But their recent renege on their promises hasn't received that media coverage their lies did. How convenient.

I wonder when Bush will hold a press conference to announce this. Maybe he'll just wait until next year's SOTU speech.

From the NY Times Op/Ed page

Betraying the Sick in Africa

There is an old joke about a man who kills his parents and then begs the court for mercy because he is an orphan. For such chutzpah on a global scale, consider President Bush's overseas AIDS initiative. In his last State of the Union address, the president announced a new program to fight AIDS in Africa and pledged $15 billion over the next five years. But instead of using existing channels, Mr. Bush created a new bureaucracy. Now the White House and Congressional Republicans argue that since the bureaucracy is not ready, dying patients must wait.

The Senate is scheduled to vote soon on an appropriations bill that contains $2 billion for the AIDS initiative ? only $500 million more than this year's spending. The House has approved even less. This is the White House's doing. It is twisting arms to get Congress to cut its own program. The House and Senate had authorized $3 billion for next year.

This undercutting of trumpeted compassion initiatives is a habit with the president because of his devotion to tax cuts for the wealthy.[/b] But officials are arguing that AIDS money cannot be spent wisely because the office of the AIDS coordinator ? and Africa ? is not ready.

Both assertions are nonsense. The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria is besieged with excellent vetted proposals from African nations desperate to fight AIDS. Multiple billions could be effectively spent on AIDS prevention and treatment and help for orphans. And countries that lack the ability to run good programs need money to build that capacity. But the Global Fund is too broke to help. If the administration cannot overcome its mysterious distaste for this organization, it could simply take some of the country proposals and finance them directly.

Senator Richard Durbin, an Illinois Democrat, is proposing to restore the full $3 billion. The Senate should adopt this amendment, then prevail upon the House. Several top Republicans, including President Bush and the Senate majority leader, Bill Frist, have recently been to Africa, where they hugged orphans and visited the dying. If they break America's promise on AIDS, they will be cynically using suffering Africans as nothing more than a photo opportunity.



Golden Member
Aug 20, 2003
Horrible. The worst part is....for those that know about aids and the "fight against aids" in Africa, BUSh - even with his proposal of 15 Billlion was taking a step back.....back by about 10 years of progress by changing the focus FROM aids prevention TO aids treatment. Aids prevention was a big step in aftrica and it was showing good results now prevention is just moved aside for people to get "medicine" that really dosent work and they can afford it. Now more people get aids because there is not prevention. I have spoke to africans about aids. They have rumors that they hold as fact such as - DO NOT use condoms to prevent aids. -----HAVE sex with white people to cure aids.... THis is why they needed educations and teaching about preventive measures. For those that think this is hard to believe just remember - Some of the people in Iraq think that the US army has built in air conditioners in the flak jackets.....also that their goggles have x ray vision to see through the womens clothes. its not that far fetched. To ME Aids and Bush sucks.


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
I don't want a penny of my tax dollars going for Aids drugs in Africa, or anywhere else!


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Probably using the money to expand the overcrowded treatment centers for our wounded from Iraq.


Dec 23, 2000
Originally posted by: jjsole
Millions are dying in africa, and Bush does this? He deserves to be in hell.

Look at the facts.

You deserve to be in hell.


May 21, 2002
Your math is faulty. Read the post. We're not talking about current spending here. We're talking about the additional spending Bush promised - with much fanfare while hugging everyone he could get his hands on during his trip to Africa.

Just another Bush lie. Just another excuse from his apologists.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Poor Bush, he intended to bacnrupt future generations of decent democratic social welfare and did so well he screwed his own. The man is a pox on the land.


Sep 15, 2002
Originally posted by: jjsole
Millions are dying in africa, and Bush does this? He deserves to be in hell.

How does he decide which contrey to help and which to not help?


May 21, 2002
Originally posted by: Tabb
Originally posted by: jjsole
Millions are dying in africa, and Bush does this? He deserves to be in hell.

How does he decide which contrey to help and which to not help?

Simple. Bush uses the following rules on who to help.

Countries with oil get help.

All other countries get lip service.

Just like his so-called "foreign policy" rules.

Countries with nukes get diplomacy.

Contries without nukes get invasion and occupation.

See? Simple.


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2002
Originally posted by: beyoku
Horrible. The worst part is....for those that know about aids and the "fight against aids" in Africa, BUSh - even with his proposal of 15 Billlion was taking a step back.....back by about 10 years of progress by changing the focus FROM aids prevention TO aids treatment. Aids prevention was a big step in aftrica and it was showing good results now prevention is just moved aside for people to get "medicine" that really dosent work and they can afford it. Now more people get aids because there is not prevention. I have spoke to africans about aids. They have rumors that they hold as fact such as - DO NOT use condoms to prevent aids. -----HAVE sex with white people to cure aids.... THis is why they needed educations and teaching about preventive measures. For those that think this is hard to believe just remember - Some of the people in Iraq think that the US army has built in air conditioners in the flak jackets.....also that their goggles have x ray vision to see through the womens clothes. its not that far fetched. To ME Aids and Bush sucks.

Maybe paying for AIDS prevention, or money to AIDS educators, doesn't benefit Bush Admin, but paying for AIDS treatment, or money to big Pharmaceutical companies, benefit Bush Adim?

Just maybe?


Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: BOBDN
Your math is faulty. Read the post. We're not talking about current spending here. We're talking about the additional spending Bush promised - with much fanfare while hugging everyone he could get his hands on during his trip to Africa.

Just another Bush lie. Just another excuse from his apologists.

Seems you and/or your article are wrong then.;)

"[T]o meet a severe and urgent crisis abroad, tonight I propose the Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, a work of mercy beyond all current international efforts to help the people of Africa. I ask the Congress to commit $15 billion over the next five years, including nearly $10 billion in new money, to turn the tide against AIDS in the most afflicted nations of Africa and the Caribbean." - George W. Bush -January 28, 2003

Now how much is planned for Africa? You'd think an journalist of some moral character would atleast check the facts before writing an article....oh wait...it's the Times;)




Jul 2, 2003
Maybe paying for AIDS prevention, or money to AIDS educators, doesn't benefit Bush Admin, but paying for AIDS treatment, or money to big Pharmaceutical companies, benefit Bush Adim?

Drugs and treatment to fight AIDS? Never! AND CONDOMS ARE IMPLEMENTS OF SATAN! Only prayer and abstinence, and let's not forget faith healing with the assistance of snakes, can save these souls.



Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2003
Originally posted by: jjsole
Millions are dying in africa, and Bush does this? He deserves to be in hell.

Since when did the U.S. become responsible for AIDS in Africa? They should feel lucky that they get any money at all.


May 21, 2002
Originally posted by: daniel1113
Originally posted by: jjsole
Millions are dying in africa, and Bush does this? He deserves to be in hell.

Since when did the U.S. become responsible for AIDS in Africa? They should feel lucky that they get any money at all.

Well daniel, the US isn't responsible for AIDS in Africa. But we are responsible for promises made by our leaders.

Let me ask you this. If Bush had no intention, or if he had any hint he wouldn't be able, why did he make a promise he wasn't going to keep?

Was his intent just to get a photo op and some good press? How cynical. Making political hay on the deaths of millions of Africans dying from AIDS.


There is no cure for AIDS. A pandemic doesn't spread based on nationality. Even if not for humanitarian reasons the US should be interested in controlling this plague for our own good.


Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: BOBDN
Originally posted by: daniel1113
Originally posted by: jjsole
Millions are dying in africa, and Bush does this? He deserves to be in hell.

Since when did the U.S. become responsible for AIDS in Africa? They should feel lucky that they get any money at all.

Well daniel, the US isn't responsible for AIDS in Africa. But we are responsible for promises made by our leaders.

Let me ask you this. If Bush had no intention, or if he had any hint he wouldn't be able, why did he make a promise he wasn't going to keep?

Was his intent just to get a photo op and some good press? How cynical. Making political hay on the deaths of millions of Africans dying from AIDS.


There is no cure for AIDS. A pandemic doesn't spread based on nationality. Even if not for humanitarian reasons the US should be interested in controlling this plague for our own good.

Did you ignore what Bush "promised" in your rush to make political "hay" yourself? I think not - so please read my earlier post.



Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2003
Originally posted by: BOBDN
Originally posted by: daniel1113
Originally posted by: jjsole
Millions are dying in africa, and Bush does this? He deserves to be in hell.

Since when did the U.S. become responsible for AIDS in Africa? They should feel lucky that they get any money at all.

Well daniel, the US isn't responsible for AIDS in Africa. But we are responsible for promises made by our leaders.

Let me ask you this. If Bush had no intention, or if he had any hint he wouldn't be able, why did he make a promise he wasn't going to keep?

Was his intent just to get a photo op and some good press? How cynical. Making political hay on the deaths of millions of Africans dying from AIDS.


There is no cure for AIDS. A pandemic doesn't spread based on nationality. Even if not for humanitarian reasons the US should be interested in controlling this plague for our own good.

Perhaps Bush did have every intention to give money to Africe and perhaps he didn't have any hint that he wouldn't be able to. You don't know. I think giving money to "cure" AIDS in Africa is a crappy idea, but I have no doubt in my mind that Bush probably thought it was a good thing to do. Perhaps he has come to realize that there are better ways to solve the problem. I could keep listing a million different "what if" statements, but the bottom line is we don't know. However, I tend to give our president the benefit of the doubt rather than coming up with crazy conspiracy theories involving pharmaceutical companies, publicity, and whatever else people can concoct in their heads.


May 21, 2002
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
Originally posted by: BOBDN
Originally posted by: daniel1113
Originally posted by: jjsole
Millions are dying in africa, and Bush does this? He deserves to be in hell.

Since when did the U.S. become responsible for AIDS in Africa? They should feel lucky that they get any money at all.

Well daniel, the US isn't responsible for AIDS in Africa. But we are responsible for promises made by our leaders.

Let me ask you this. If Bush had no intention, or if he had any hint he wouldn't be able, why did he make a promise he wasn't going to keep?

Was his intent just to get a photo op and some good press? How cynical. Making political hay on the deaths of millions of Africans dying from AIDS.


There is no cure for AIDS. A pandemic doesn't spread based on nationality. Even if not for humanitarian reasons the US should be interested in controlling this plague for our own good.

Did you ignore what Bush "promised" in your rush to make political "hay" yourself? I think not - so please read my earlier post.


Read Bush's statement and the article I posted. How do you reconcile the two? Are you trying to say Bush didn't promise $15 billion including nearly $10 billion IN NEW MONEY over the next five years? Are you trying to say the Bush administration is now twisting arms to get Congress to cut the program?

"I ask the Congress to commit $15 billion over the next five years, including nearly $10 billion in new money, to turn the tide against AIDS in the most afflicted nations of Africa and the Caribbean." - George W. Bush -January 28, 2003

"The Senate is scheduled to vote soon on an appropriations bill that contains $2 billion for the AIDS initiative ? only $500 million more than this year's spending. The House has approved even less. This is the White House's doing. It is twisting arms to get Congress to cut its own program. The House and Senate had authorized $3 billion for next year."



Nov 25, 2001
Wouldn't $15 Billion over the next 5 years be $3 Billion/year? Where's all this fuzzy math coming from?