Budget ~$200. MB+CPU+MEM


Junior Member
Jun 13, 2008
Ok, so I've spent the last two days browsing the forums and the net looking for info. I'm replacing my fiance's PC as its quickly dying. Before this I was really pro Intel but at this price point AMD seems a better choice. I've been looking at all sorts of IGP boards mostly 780g and 790gx models. I've done so much reading and I still seem to be at the same point.

AMDs upside is they are cheap now and I'll be able to go Deneb in the future if I want to. In that case I may be leaning to 790GX for the SB750 and better IGP (still not discrete performance, I know) although I don't know a whole lot about the SB differences.

On the other hand I could drop the IGP, spend a few more dollars and get a much better discrete solution. Any thoughts on the value of keeping the IGP for hybrid reasons?

There seems to be so much conflicting information I've gotten lost in it all. I've yet to even decide on a CPU. I'll probably go with a 5000+. I did see the 5050e is 45w though which could be nice too.

I've seen lots of threads on IGP boards. What is the best, no IGP, AM3 ready chipset out there? The machine will mostly be used for office tasks with some light to medium gaming. Nothing over 1280x1024 though I think but I still want it be capable.

Any thoughts on considering an Intel solution at this price point?

I know that was alot of randomness, its late. :) Thanks for any ideas!


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2001
Newegg has a foxconn 740g board for $40 after $10 rebate if you want to get a low end video card with the money you save.


Junior Member
Jun 13, 2008

That is exactly what I was looking at for CPU/MB. Looks like a good setup.


I hadn't looked at 740g boards. I may go that way for better graphic performance but I'll have to read more about that chipset.

Thanks for the replies!


Junior Member
Jun 13, 2008
Well I can certainly save money with the 740g board and get a cheap video card but I'm worried it won't support the Phenom II CPUs if I want to upgrade. Any thoughts on a good board that will support Phenom II but without on board video?


Junior Member
Jun 13, 2008
I'm sorry if I didn't make it clear. That is what I'd like to do. I was under the impression that the AM3 chips would run on capable AM2+ MBs albeit without DDR3 and such. My goal is to buy something capable for now and maybe upgrade the CPU in 1 year or something. Is that not possible?


Junior Member
Jun 13, 2008
Thanks for the clarification Keitero. I thought I had read somewhere that the Phenom IIs would have DDR2&DDR3 capabilities but perhaps that was only refering to the AM2+ models.

Since I'll probably wait another 9-12 months for the upgrade I think I'm going to shoot for an even lower price and save the cash for the next round or maybe a discrete graphics card in a few months.

In that case, I found the Foxconn A7VMX-K. Its the 780V chipset. Is lower graphics performance the primary difference? It's only $54 shipped so ~$22 less than the A7GM-S shipped.

Thanks again for the help!


Golden Member
Jun 28, 2004
The biggest difference that I see is that the A7GM-S has 4 slots for memory, which depending on you wanting to go beyond 4GB is a plus. For the extra $22, I rather pay it and get HDMI (a plus for HTPC setups and whatnot) and have the ability to add up to 8GB of RAM. The difference in 3D performance shouldn't be that great (HD3200 vs HD3100) and since they both use system memory to run the video, it's a moot point.

Added: Since you stated that you might be planning on doing some light to medium gaming, I would suggest getting a lower end HD3xxx or HD4xxx to do hybrid CrossFire. That should boost your performance by a good amount depending on what games you decide to play. However, if the games you are planning to play are a few years old, then it should matter that much now should it? :)
Aug 11, 2008
From what I've read, AM3 chips will work in AM2+ boards as the memory controller will be compatible with both DDR2 and DDR3. I could be wrong, but I've seen alot over the past few months that allude to that. Also, how much video power do you need? I just built a 4850e/790GX/4GB DDR2-800 and it performs very handily. You could go with Newegg at:

* JetWay HA07 AM2+/AM2 AMD 790GX HDMI ATX AMD Motherboard - Retail (Combo)
* AMD Athlon 64 X2 5200+ Brisbane 2.7GHz Socket AM2 65W Dual-Core Processor Model ADO5200DOBOX - Retail (Combo) Combo Price: $132.98
G.SKILL 4GB (2 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 1066 (PC2 8500) Dual Channel Kit Desktop Memory - Retail $59.99
TOTAL - $192.97

Also gives a great upgrade path, IF AM3 chips work in the board. I think they will.

ps. Sorry, not sure how to hyperlink in here...


Golden Member
Jun 28, 2004
If it's true that AM3 CPUs will work in AM2+ board with a simple BIOS upgrade then that's wonderful. However, take it with a grain of salt until AMD officially says anything about it.

As for adding hyperlinks to posting, the code is (l=*txt*] and [/l] (first "(" is "[" ).

Example: (l=google] google.com [/l] (minus the spacing between (l= *txt*] and [/l]) would yield google
Aug 11, 2008
Thanks, I'll try to remember that. Actually, maybe a bookmark would be better.

Back on topic. I know the NVidia GF9300/9400 Intel Chipset is new, but there have been some good reviews on it. Paired with a low-energy Core2Duo would provide a compelling solution, but you give up a few things:

1)it costs more
2)no crossfire (or SLI)
3)it's new so there are few boards out right now.

Personally, I like AMD as at least there is a good chance to upgrade to an AM3 proc. whereas with Intel the new I7 has an IMC so it isn't compatible with a Core2 motherboard.


Feb 1, 2000
there was a deal for the 6000+ for like $62 for a bit. ram at frys after rebate is 4gb for 20-25. i'd recommend a 780g over a 740g for $10-15 more.


Mar 21, 2004
memory: as suggested before http://www.newegg.com/Product/...0231209&Tpk=20-231-209 50$ shipped
I think it is the best deal. Problem is, it only leaves you with 150$ for both a mobo and CPU.

I recommend a quality mobo that you can OC, but isn't expensive... like one of those two:
both around 90$ after MIR.

An open box is availble for 70$ without need for MIR:

And if you don't care for OC (which i say is a waste) you can get this open box one for 65$:

CPU on the other hand, carry a little heftier tags from intel:
VERY nice sale bringing it down to 120$. So i'd get it now before the sale ends.

For me personally i would go with thesE:
http://www.newegg.com/Product/...x?Item=N82E16819115132 120 + free shipping
http://www.newegg.com/Product/...?Item=N82E16813131333R 70 + shipping
http://www.newegg.com/Product/...0231209&Tpk=20-231-209 50$ + free shipping