BSOD, stop error 0x00000124


Junior Member
Feb 3, 2007
About once or twice a day my computer will blue screen with the following stop message "0x00000124", its a machine check exception error. The problem usually occurs usually when I've got a few different programs open and itunes. Just before it happens whatever music or podcast I am playing will start to skip (tough to describe) and then the blue screen will come up.

It does happen if I just leave the computer on as well, running almost nothing (except AV, firewall, trillian). However if the computer is just left to idle it occurs more infrequently.

Running Windows Vista 32
Intel E6400 dual core
2 Gig of Buffalo Memory
Gigabyte 965P Motherboard
On board sound
Nvidia 7600 GT

Cmos settings are all defaults.

Built it myself. Things I've tried that haven't corrected the problem:

Ran Memtest - memory came up clean overnight
Ran Orthos for about 9 hours yesterday, no issues, temps for the cores got up to ~48 degrees, other temps got no higher than 46
Updated sound and video drivers
Applied hotfix located here;EN-US;952681
Update BIOS
Disable C1E
Disable Sound in Cmos setup

I don't have any bluetooth devices, from my google searches I found this could be a problem.

I don't really game much anymore, I am downloading 3D mark right now, will that help to narrow down if its an issue with the video card?

I'm thinking its power supply or video card related at this point. I do have a wireless card as well but the problem did occur before that was installed. Any suggestions at what I should try next?



Junior Member
Nov 29, 2006
The problem might be file corruption of some of your system files. I would run a through chkdsk and you might want to try to uninstall itunes and re-install.