BSOD & Memory Dump issues. HELP!!


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2001
Over the past few weeks I've been getting numerous BSODs. I see "Physical Memory Dump", and the the machine restarts itself.

I'm not quite sure what the cause is. I've tried reducing my overclock, but it has never casued and issue before. The BSODs seem to happen when I have a few things running and try to open a new program or internet browser window. I mostly use Google Chrome.

I can't figure out what's causing the memory dump. Any ideas?


Golden Member
Nov 20, 2011
Open the "System Properties" dialog and click the "Advanced" tab.
Under "Startup and Recovery" click the "Settings" button.
Under "System startup" check both boxes (default time for each is 30 seconds)
Under "System failure" uncheck "Automatically restart".
Under "Write debugging information" select "Small memory dump (256 KB)".

Now when you have a BSOD; Windows will write the error to Event Viewer, and will sit at the BSOD screen so you can read what it says instead of instantly restarting. Post back with the Event Viewer details of the error code the next time it happens.