Brand New P4 2.66B won't run faster than 150FSB


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2000
OK, first off. I put this 2.66 into my existing system (see sig) that runs my 2.26 at 160FSB, Vcore set in BIOS at 1.55V. It runs 100% stable, Prime95 and anything else I throw at it.

Put in the new 2.66 (using my existing Alpha 8942 + ASIII) and set my Vcore in the BIOS to 1.6V and FSB at 150. Booted into Windows fine, runs programs fine but errors out in Prime95 (v2.29) in less than one second. Tried up to 1.65V in BIOS and it still fails Prime95.

Started lowering FSB (set Vcore back to 1.6V) until Prime95 would run. Ended up at 145FSB. Ran Prime95 for 10 hrs with zero errors. Max CPU temp was 51C.

Now what? Do I "burn this in" for a while and try again? If so, how long, at what FSB and voltage?

Re: voltage:

One thing I noticed is that Vcore varies quite a bit. PSU is Antec True480. When I set Vcore in BIOS to 1.6V, in Windows it shows up as 1.63/1.65 at idle in MBM5. At load it runs 1.54/1.57V. Is this normal?

I haven't seen these kind of voltage swings with my previous P4 Northies (several 1.8As and a 2.26B).

When you guys talk about "max Vcore" does that mean what is showing in Windows, at load in MBM, or does that mean what is showing in the BIOS (presumably at no load)? There is a big difference on my board (Asus P4b533E). BIOS set at 1.6V shows 1.6 in BIOS, 1.63/1.65 at idle in Windows/MBM5, 1.54/1.57 at load. What is right? Which matters?

I also tried using Asus' molex 12v connector on the board as an extra source of 12v. Several people have suggested doing this. It has made no difference to my idle or load Vcore as shown in MBM5. Only difference I can see is the very initial voltage right after Windows is done booting and MBM loads is about .05V higher. I still can't run any faster than 145FSB since I tried this.


Elite Member
Feb 3, 2001
what bios version?

51*C is about as hot as you wanna go ~ could be a heat problem.

vcore = idle in windows in pcprobe (its the only way to compare across platforms)

MBM5 isnt as accurate on asus boards.

is agp/pci locked?

its possible thats all that 2.66 can do :(


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2000
BIOS is 1008, would upgrading help? I never had any issues with this version, was able to run 2.26 CPU with no trouble.

PCI/AGP locked at 33/66Mhz.

Even early this morning when it was much cooler my Prime95 temps were 46C max and I still couldn't get over 145 FSB.

What about "burning-in"? Fact or Myth?


Feb 26, 2001
Originally posted by: RalfHutter
BIOS is 1008, would upgrading help? I never had any issues with this version, was able to run 2.26 CPU with no trouble.

PCI/AGP locked at 33/66Mhz.

Even early this morning when it was much cooler my Prime95 temps were 46C max and I still couldn't get over 145 FSB.

What about "burning-in"? Fact or Myth?

Fact, run Sandra burn in or prime 95 for a few nights then give it another shot.


Elite Member
Feb 3, 2001
fact - burnin is a myth! (i think ive proved that enough times in the last 8 months)
ram does get better with age tho ;)

try the new bios and see if that helps.
boost the voltage to 1.625v (1.7v in windows)



Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
IMO and in my experience burn in of cpus is a myth...It has been talked about here multiple times by tech heads who know this stuff and do it for their livelihood....

I have tried and never got a cpu to clock any faster by burning in....Ram I have seen some slight evidence it liked it but that is it...

The fact the thing wont go any faster even if you raise vcore makes me think something else is limiting you...From 1.65v to 1.71v I easily get another 5fsb and I can run at 1.75v and get another 3fsb for a total of 108 more mhz.....

Heat??? Maybe but less likely after you had it at 46c max...POwer??? Maybe what is the pcprobe or mbm showing is happening at loading...big drop in vcore??

2.26 @ 160fsb = 2720mhz

2.66 @ 145fsb = 2900mhz

Maybe a dud as far as c1 stepping goes....

Have you tried highest at 1.7v (actual only, so probably 1.65 to 1.675v for you) prime95??? I would and see if you can get higher then 145fsb. You should have been able to get at least a few more fsb points from 145fsb with vcore boost....


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2000
Tried latest BIOS (1011e), no difference.

Tried 1.675Vcore (in BIOS), shows barely (maybe .01/.02V in Windows at idle, maybe .05/.1 higher under load. Was able to run Prime95 at 146 FSB for about 45 seconds at this higher Vcore. Prime95 fails instantly at lower Vcore.

Installed Asus PC Probe as well. Voltages and temps show as virtually identical to MBMs readouts.

I'm going to put my 2.26 back in and do some investigating. I know the Vcore still fluctuates with this CPU, perhaps not quite as much. Not that this matters to the other CPU though!

Any more suggestions wwould be much appreciated, I really don't want to eat $400 on this CPU.


Senior member
Dec 15, 2001
I think this processor is a dud as I checked the database and most people (all 2 of them) got a little over 3GHz with the 2.66b and MCX4000 heatsink. So if I were you and it was easy, I would exchange it for a better one that can get you past 3GHz.


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2000
Got it from Mwave and they don't take returns/refunds on boxed CPUs. I'd have to return it to Intel.

Anyone want to buy this cheap?

Any other suggestions on how to fix it?


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
sell it here or at egay...I mean not everyone ocs chips so some may not care it only overclocked 250mhz....