becareful with these cars there is a new trend where they tip this car over just to be funny. You dont want to come back to your parking space and see your car upside down.
As for the cars appeal, there is none. Not one of my friends wants to be seen in these cars.
Still at 35 mpg on the way to work today. Seems pretty consistent.
I've noticed that going from 65 to 75 in my Cruze Eco hurts MPG quite a lot, but I average about 36-37 when I go between 70 and 75, at 85 the MPG drops closer to 31-32 and at 60-65 I can get into the low 40s.
It's funny how gearing works like that.
I rented a Nissan Altima S recently (which gets 30MPG AVERAGE and is a large, nice car. I was impressed), and I noticed at 40-45 and 65-70 I could score 50 MPG. Anything above and below those speeds would get in the 15-30 range.
I must be doing something wrong.
I'm driving a 2008 Chevy Aveo.
Last fillup was like 24 MPG. Granted, it was winter during which I had my share of spinouts.
Maybe I need to replace the sparkplugs or something?
A 2008 Aveo's rated gas mileage doesn't seem that great. The Spark is quite a bit different and is actually really good on gas.
I know that break-in and learning to drive a new vehicle can help improve gas mileage, but I didn't think it would be this much. Reset the avg. mpg again before the drive from work to home and this is what I saw when I arrived.
If you wanted a Spiritual Successor to the Geo Metro, you should have bought the Mitsubishi Mirage. It actually has the fuel economy and performance to back it up! The spark is just an abomination IMO, small yet shitty fuel economy.
My Jeep and Pickup driving redneck brother in Kentucky bought a used Geo Metro convertible with a five speed to commute to work with. He said his friends laughed at him, but he loved it and that it was a lot of fun. Cheap little cars with manuals ftw.
Those with a lot of fuel ups and the manual trans appear to be averaging 40mpg.
And the Mirage looks about the same overall.
Shitty is just "Spark hate", imo.
I think the spark is merely ok for highway but for city, terrible. the spark is smaller than the mirage, more cramped, worse fuel economy. highway fuel economy much easier to achieve.
highway fuel economy much easier to achieve