Sprint, Si-Dock@Home


Senior member
Feb 14, 2014
The last BOINCGames Sprint of the year has been selected as SiDock@Home. I encourage all participating members to join SiDock and lets see if we can finish the last Sprint of the year in first place.

If you are not registered on you'll need to do so and confirm your CPID there. To do so, follow these steps:

I would recommend on the step to change your name to the unique name at a project to do so at many projects. This will help speed up your verification process since not all projects export stats more than once per day, but they all export their stats at different times throughout the day. Changing you name on all the active projects on BG will ensure the next project to update their stats will verify your CPID. Once your CPID is verified you may go back to your normal name.


Senior member
Feb 14, 2014
Yes we did win. The site is having an issue with a 504 gateway error. I've been complaining to the dev team about this error for months and they're just now starting to do something about it.

They've installed a MySQL database monitor to monitor the mysqld process and the database to see what causes the issue. I will not be restarting the mysqld process manually anymore because it just takes too much time for me to stop what I'm doing and constantly restart it. So the dev team can deal with it and hopefully find a permanent solution to the problem.