I just racked up enough old parts to build a computer in my room.
It consists of:
k-6 2 450mhz (brand: I think it is Epox)
6 gig hard drive
mid-tower case
1 stick of 64 meg ram
Geforce 2 32 megs....
that's it, no Cd-drive or Floppy drive yet because the computer is not working..
The computer will boot normally, but in about 5 minutes, it will ALWAYS give me the blue screen.......
what is teh problem here??? It can't be heat becuase I don't have a lot in there, and the case is still open...what do you guys think? some people say that it could be the ram, but I dont know....should I buy a new stick and see what happens??
It consists of:
k-6 2 450mhz (brand: I think it is Epox)
6 gig hard drive
mid-tower case
1 stick of 64 meg ram
Geforce 2 32 megs....
that's it, no Cd-drive or Floppy drive yet because the computer is not working..
The computer will boot normally, but in about 5 minutes, it will ALWAYS give me the blue screen.......
what is teh problem here??? It can't be heat becuase I don't have a lot in there, and the case is still open...what do you guys think? some people say that it could be the ram, but I dont know....should I buy a new stick and see what happens??