Bizarre problems with @home


Senior member
Sep 15, 2000

I currently have 4 computers setup on an @home account, A,B,C & D, on a 10 mbit LAN (5 port hub). A,B,and D are win98se and C is win2k. About a week ago, A & D stopped being able to do much of anything on the internet (d/l at about 20 bytes per sec). However, B & C remain perfectly functional. Well, after d*cking with crap-o tech support I decided to troubleshoot myself.

What I did was disconnect computer C from the network, and assign D it's IP address info. Reboot, and now D works fine. Wahoo. So I assign C D's old IP and reboot it and it works. Now I have B,C,& D working. So I do some ICQ on C and go back to D but now the connection no longer works and it is back to ultra slow d/l after it connects to either a web site or an ftp.

Well, I decide to see if A now works. Nada. So now I'm back to where I started from. I do the IP switch again with C & D but this time I give A's address to C and reset D to the original. reboot both and they're both working. I do some surfing with both for about 20 mins and they seem to be a-ok. Now I'm figuring ICQ must be the problem.

But, I get home from work 6 hrs later and computer D is back to its same old self. It connects to sites quickly, but then nothing on the incoming pipe.

So, I'm very frustrated and have no idea what may be happening. I appreciate any ideas you guys might have.

In case anyone asks, the comps with malfunctioning connections work fine across the LAN, they just can't seem to get things externally.

Thanks in advance,



Senior member
Nov 23, 1999
You said you have 4 computers with an (One?!) @Home account and a hub(not a router?!). Have you purchased 4 IP's for all your computers?


Senior member
Sep 15, 2000
Ok, more weirdness. It seems as though my connection is a capacitor, meaning that over time it slowly grinds down to a screeching halt. For instance, I did the switch-a-roo trick again today and the connection was great. Then, after about 5 mins I'm getting little response out of it. So I fire up my ftp client and see if i can connect that way. I connected and it works fine and then suddenly everything works great. WTF??? I don't get this. Does anybody have a clue??


Senior member
Nov 23, 1999
It seems to me that you are connected to an overloaded gateway.


Senior member
Sep 15, 2000
The thing is that 2 of the computers are on the same gateway and one of them always works. It doesn't matter which IP i give the win2k comp (my laptop), it just keeps going. However, the 2 that don't work have the capacitor thing going on. And this has been happening for a week now.


Golden Member
Oct 23, 2000
Maybe the router can't hold all the entries in the ARP cache, so they drop you... hmm... but then you reboot and then you are back on... that would make sense.


Senior member
Sep 15, 2000
But why is the laptop ALWAYS able to get online, but neither of the other two can hardly ever, and not unless the laptop was just recently using that IP ?? It's as tho the laptop primes the IP for use, then the other comps let it slip away....bizarre


Senior member
Sep 15, 2000
Ok, I had a thought. Is it possible that the computer needs to log onto the domain to work?? I think that win2k automatically does that, but I'm not sure about win98se. That would make sense with everything else except for the fact that starting up an ftp session makes everything work fine again (as long as it hasn't been a while since the connect slowed down).

Please help me if you can here. I need the one comp online to do homework.



Platinum Member
Mar 20, 2000
You should try calling @home and ask for level 2 support and they can ping your modem,gateway,and computers to see where the problem may be. You can maybe then narrow this down a bit more. They may just have to reset your modem for you to clean out it's cache. They will clear the settings on their end and have you unplug the modem for a few hours until it's battery backup runs out. Then when you turn it back on it will fetch it's settings from @home again. I have had this done before for me and my connections improved alot. I was having the same problems with jsut one IP.