Billionaire Tells Us We Need To Live More Modestly

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Oct 9, 1999
Lol! Spoken like a true idiot! You don't pay billionaires unless they have something you want? No, you pay, you just aren't smart enough to realize it.


It must be embarrassing to be you. If I'm a true idiot, that makes you an true idiot's idiot.

How will a company buy back stock using my money if I didn't give them my money to buy it back with?

Are boycotts a valid tactic? If they are, then it means that a company cannot exist without you giving them your money. If they could take your money without your consent, a boycott would never work.

Do Democrats understand how money works?


Oct 9, 1999
Let me explain how money is earned in my corporation. The people who don't really understand what I do ran it pretty much down. Sales were down and there wasn't going to be a bonus at the top level. So what did they do? They changed the rules and based their bonuses on controllable expenses AKA labor. They cut staffing with a battle axe, so much so that no one at the store level could possibly get a bonus, and that added to the execs bonus as well. Staffing cuts, no raises, hours cut, and all because they screwed the pooch, but they were damned well going to be rewarded no matter who they hurt.

You want to tell me how that thinking doesn't hurt me and others?

Did your customers stop coming to your store? Why or why not?
Feb 4, 2009
Everyone remember Obama & a bunch of Republicans are fired up about a nameless Asian trade agreement that sounds like the TPP. Don't let your Senator or Representative get away with allowing fast track so they can dodge responsibility.


Senior member
Nov 9, 2009
So in reality, a hedge fun is not the rich hoarding their money. In reality, a hedge fun is people getting money together to invest in the economy.

A hedge fund can not exist without someone having horded some money, and you have to admit billionaires are pretty extreme hoarders... they don't even have to give it away to help the economy, just to spend some so that maybe they are only millionaires and everyone wins. Maybe they should get some rich people on the hoarders reality show and help them give up their hoarding habits :)


Platinum Member
Oct 18, 2014
A morbidly fat man telling a hungry man that being hungry is character building. That's all this is. The thing is he probably believes he. He doesn't even understand his own hypocrisy.


Feb 5, 2006
It's like that Russian joke, little boy comes to his father and says:
- Dad, we don't have enough money, are you going to drink less?
- No, son, you are going to eat less.


Oct 9, 1999
A hedge fund can not exist without someone having horded some money, and you have to admit billionaires are pretty extreme hoarders... they don't even have to give it away to help the economy, just to spend some so that maybe they are only millionaires and everyone wins. Maybe they should get some rich people on the hoarders reality show and help them give up their hoarding habits :)

Hoarding money?

If money is being loaned out through investments, how is that hoarding?

Jesus Hume Christ on a pogo stick, do Democrats truly not understand how money works?


Oct 9, 1999
It's like that Russian joke, little boy comes to his father and says:
- Dad, we don't have enough money, are you going to drink less?
- No, son, you are going to eat less.

That boy should just go pick lettuce. That's all little foreign kids are good for, right senseamp?


Oct 19, 2001
99.99% of being a billionare or millionare is luck of the draw. Even your skill, is luck. You were lucky to be born that skilled

Lucky to be born in america, lucky to be born in CA, lucky to be born in the twilight of the 20th century. We are all lucky mother fuckers.

I don't admire someone unless they are somehow dynamic. If you got here rich, stayed rich, and died rich... that is far less interesting to me than if you got rich and went broke then redeemed yourself. Or even if you just went broke. People should move. Socially, economically, politically, and physically people need to move or they become docile and useless. That is, IMO, the problem with the center of this country. The crooning midwestern land whales have forgoten how to move.

"lucky"? maybe but some actually stepped out and made something for themselves. poor or not, anyone can make a difference and make the climb instead of settle for the status quo.
I'm not sure what the middle of the country has to do with any point of your argument but it appears like typical coastal snobbery.


Feb 5, 2006
That boy should just go pick lettuce. That's all little foreign kids are good for, right senseamp?

You should pick lettuce. I want you in the fields tomorrow, replacing those illegals, like you are dreaming about. I will take joy in having my produce lovingly picked by a real American like yourself. So get in there nice and early, bend over,and start picking.


May 15, 2000
Good lord you are stupid! Feel free to read the article I linked to.


It must be embarrassing to be you. If I'm a true idiot, that makes you an true idiot's idiot.

How will a company buy back stock using my money if I didn't give them my money to buy it back with?

Are boycotts a valid tactic? If they are, then it means that a company cannot exist without you giving them your money. If they could take your money without your consent, a boycott would never work.

Do Democrats understand how money works?


Diamond Member
May 13, 2008
1. Im positive if a worker in Guatemala didn't have a job yesterday and has one today their standard of living will increase.
2. I'd imagine most people would feel the same way. What I find interesting is how many on the left scream about wealth inequity seem to share your sentiments. As if income and wealth inequity stop at our borders.

They actually do stop at our borders...

Just because you're trying to attempt to take it further doesn't mean everyone else is.


Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
Let me explain how money is earned in my corporation. The people who don't really understand what I do ran it pretty much down. Sales were down and there wasn't going to be a bonus at the top level. So what did they do? They changed the rules and based their bonuses on controllable expenses AKA labor. They cut staffing with a battle axe, so much so that no one at the store level could possibly get a bonus, and that added to the execs bonus as well. Staffing cuts, no raises, hours cut, and all because they screwed the pooch, but they were damned well going to be rewarded no matter who they hurt.

You want to tell me how that thinking doesn't hurt me and others?

The purpose of a bonus program is to incentivize participants towards a goal or objective.

Looks like somebody at the top prioritized cost cutting. That's not necessarily a bad goal/objective, nor is it necessarily a good one. If it was a poor choice the owners will suffer as well.

Might be interesting to know why the focus shifted from increased revenue to decreased costs.

I was speaking with a physician earlier this week. He is an oncologist and therefore uses a lot of expensive drugs in treating his patients. IIRC, he complained that Medicare reimbursements now cover only 80% of the drug's costs. I.e., he is taking a loss. In his case maximizing sales does nothing but increase his loss. Selling a million units at a loss of 20% is not better than selling just a single unit.



Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2009
So you support transferring American middle class prosperity to China, Italy, and billionaires. Great. I don't.

OMG you are so greedy, why don't you want to follow the model of a socialist agenda on a global scale with wealth redistribution occurring across nations? Why are you so racist and greedy? /sarcasm


Oct 9, 1999
OMG you are so greedy, why don't you want to follow the model of a socialist agenda on a global scale with wealth redistribution occurring across nations? Why are you so racist and greedy? /sarcasm

I find most bleeding hearts are only skin deep. Dig any further and you find a rotten core.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Did your customers stop coming to your store? Why or why not?

Of course they voted with their feet. When wait times shoot up because there isn't sufficient staffing they go elsewhere. The provides opportunities to cut staffing because we don't need as many people according to the execs and on and on. Fewer dollars means less money spent and that leads to more compensation.


Oct 9, 1999
Good lord you are stupid! Feel free to read the article I linked to.

You stupid fucking piece of shit, the article says nothing of the sort. If you're talking about government subsidies the articles mention that has government making up for some companies lack of providing benefits or high wages, I've already covered that you illiterate fucktard. That's government taking my money. Not the company, you fucking stupid moron. If the government would stop covering up for those companies' deficiencies, maybe people would actually rebel against working for or being customers of those companies. Instead government keeps greasing the wheel for the status quo. As I say, stupid Democrat fucks like you bemoan the common man all the while cheering on his demise.


Democrat pieces of shit like you want change, but only if it's easy. You don't want any change through hardship. You're like those unions that hire people for minimum wage to protest for them, because they don't think they're making enough money. Oh the irony. Democrats don't want to actually boycott Walmart across the board and encourage all Walmart employees to walk off the job. That would be painful, and nobody wants pain. They just expect to shame them into paying higher wages out of the goodness of their hearts. Bunch of lazy, useless fucks.
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Oct 9, 1999
Of course they voted with their feet. When wait times shoot up because there isn't sufficient staffing they go elsewhere. The provides opportunities to cut staffing because we don't need as many people according to the execs and on and on. Fewer dollars means less money spent and that leads to more compensation.

Sounds like the problem will correct itself and your company will go out of business. I fail to see the problem.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
Let me explain how money is earned in my corporation. The people who don't really understand what I do ran it pretty much down. Sales were down and there wasn't going to be a bonus at the top level. So what did they do? They changed the rules and based their bonuses on controllable expenses AKA labor. They cut staffing with a battle axe, so much so that no one at the store level could possibly get a bonus, and that added to the execs bonus as well. Staffing cuts, no raises, hours cut, and all because they screwed the pooch, but they were damned well going to be rewarded no matter who they hurt.

You want to tell me how that thinking doesn't hurt me and others?
No, I would not tell you that that kind of thinking doesn't hurt you and others. What I will tell you is that the other kind of thinking, that government deserves all and knows all, is much worse. Either your company will be better off, or it will be worse off. If the latter, it will languish and eventually be replaced by a better company, or else current management will be fired and new management brought in. While admittedly that will hurt you and your coworkers, it's better for society as a whole. If the former, then even though it hurts you and your coworkers, it's better on balance for your company and for society as a whole.

Government, however, never fails, no matter how bad the results. It just grows. Seizing the income of others - no matter how much more worthy you may feel yourself - and redistributing that money just encourages those with capital to invest it in other places, and those without capital to vote themselves more largesse. Why bother trying to build a better mousetrap when the rewards for doing so are equally shared? Let someone else be bothered. At some point that better mousetrap never gets built, because the risks for trying just aren't worth the diminished rewards for succeeding.

That's pretty cool.
Feb 6, 2007
Are conservatives here actually arguing that offshoring jobs is good because it spreads the wealth to Guatemala? I'm so confused as to why y'all are mocking liberals for only caring about American jobs... isn't that a point of agreement? Are you so interested in arguing that you'll take a contrarian position solely to get in some further pot-shots at your opponent?

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Sounds like the problem will correct itself and your company will go out of business. I fail to see the problem.

It may got out of business. Those at the top will move on to other positions after milking it with a nice severance package. The rest of us will earn less then be unemployed, but as those responsible they'll get moved onto another position and get a nice parachute. They fail to see the problem too. It's only the thousands, not the handful which will suffer, and it's been made clear by another that they are failures anyway. It's the ones at the top who bear nothing but praise.