which college do you think is the biggest party school? Personally, I'm biased towards U. of Penn, the party school of the Ivy League, haha. Anyone else want to explain what makes their school such a great party school?
Penn (not penn state) has a great academic rep, which is why I chose it. I also, however, find it amusing that we are considered by many to be the party school out of the ivy's. Hey, it's a great combo. I just figured I'd see what other people thought of their school's or others that they've heard are big party schools.
somethingwitty, you're nuts. A few years ago there was some big party at UPenn where an Almuni gor trashed fell down some stairs and died... ever since then they have been SO strict on parties. Before then however it was decent. Just a before and after for ya.
LSU also had some frat pledge drink himself to death a few years back... nothing to BRAG about. UGA is the best tailgating school there is, and no I didn't go to school their, and they are usually in the top 5 on the playboy list! Like I said,, not excatly hat hanging material.
I'm not sure if I should be pleased that my alma mater is #2. UW-Madison is a mess generally, there are HUGE drinking parties, and at least once a year it seems like some dumbass drunk student falls off of one of the higher dorm balconies and dies. Currently our fair city is embroiled in a scandal involving cocaine sales to firefighters. [sarcasm] How proud I am. [/sarcasm]
Hey, Ausm, I see you're from near here. I think State Street on a Saturday night ought to settle the question of what university parties hardest. I wouldn't venture down there without mace anymore, LOL.
Hmmm...they had a special on this last year on 20/20 or dateline or something and the top 3 were:
1. University of Florida
2. Florida State University
3. Michigan State University
I know my school, SUNY Albany was #1 by Princeton Review or something a couple of years back. I think we fell off though. I don't know if that's something to be proud of or not.
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