BH6 Mobo destorying RAMs?


Sep 27, 2002
Is this possible? I have a 5 year old BH6 that had been performing flawlessly. Two months ago my computer started dying and I detected a bad memory stick (I have two 128MB). So I bought a new 256MB stick (Kingston) and put that with the good 128MB.

Computer has been very stable until last night, when it crashed and refused to reboot, periodically giving long beep and wrong memory counts, just like when it died two months ago. So I removed both and tested each stick using memtest. Test shows that my old 128 MB is totally bad that memtest hung. The new 256 stick failed some tests.

Tried booting just with the 256 stick and XP booted and worked for 30 minutes before it died and gave long beeps.

How could the new 256 stick go bad so quickly? Is the motherboard frying it? Is it the power supply? Any clue? Anything is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.