Betrayed by Partition Magic 6!!! How to recover a "PqRP" drive after in-process freeze-up screws the pooch?


Diamond Member
Nov 9, 2000
I did away with my dual-boot (Win98SE/Win2K) in favor of installing a brand new HD and installing Win2K by itself. I have 4 HDs and disconnected all of them but the new one to do the install. After getting Win2K, SP2, drivers and other basic stuff installed and tweaked, I reconnected the other drives to really get rolling.

Here's how the drives are installed and split:

#1: 40GB - one part
#2: 40GB - 4-8GB parts, 8GB unformatted (I was gonna use this for dual-boot, but never got to setting up Linux)
#3: 30GB - one part
#4: 20GB - 3 parts

Because I had a bunch of redundant primary partitions on the #2 and #4 (as I added HDs to the rig, the old ones were demoted and the OS was reinstalled on the new #1 drive), I wanted to use PM6 to convert those to plain extended partitions (so the drive letters would cascade naturally) and to make #2 into 4-10gig partitions. All drives will be FAT32.

Well, it did the #4 conversion OK, but when it moved to convert the first part on #2, it ran a while (I was about to go to bed and let it run while I slept) when I noticed that the computer had FROZEN! (Uh-oh...) No screensavers were on and no other apps were running. I haven't even gotten around to installing anti-virus and utilities.

After rebooting, PM shows the partition in yellow ("other" format or "PqRP" format) and Windows doesn't see it at all. The Help file basically says, "Call PQ tech support." (thanks for nothing) and a search of Deja shows that this happens to others and that it MAY be recoverable by using the PM6 Rescue tools to manually edit the partition info or switch it back to FAT32.

Unfortunately, when I try to to boot with the Rescue Disk, it promptly give the error, "NTLDR missing" and won't boot at all. Deja posts make it sound like you shouldn't be able to boot Win2K at all without it, but the system starts fine. I don't see this file on the floppy, so WTF?!?

I had MOST of the data I wanted burned off the lost partition, BUT there was some stuff that I wanted to copy over (WebShots packs, recent e-mail and letters, etc.) so I'd REALLY like to reclaim this. Also, I TERRIFIED that if this happens to the other partitions, that I'll lose more irreplacable stuff that was too scattered to backup safely.

Any brilliant suggestions? Thanks in advance!


Senior member
Oct 10, 1999
I'd call support like they said. In the distant past <thankfully> I had a nasty PM problem, and they fixed it inside 5 mins. There is also a knowledge base on their site that may have a fix for it.


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
I've been using PM with impunity since 2.*. I have had the dreaded PqRP one time, with 3.*. As Staver said, 5 minutes with customer service and I was fixed. At that time, they didn't have the repair tools, but I had, I think it was Norton Disk Editor, and we edited the partition type with that.

At the time, they told me that PqRP meant the partition could be recovered. I'm even thinking it might have shown as FAT12 or something. Sorry, don't know bout the dual boot. And, mine happened about '97.


Diamond Member
Nov 9, 2000
The thing I hate about their customer support is that it's a limited time deal and their KB is utter crap with damn little useful info, ESPECIALLY about PqRP errors. Also, for someone who had no problem with versions 3, 4 &amp; 5 that I bought, it figures that the moment I *ahem* &quot;obtained&quot; a copy of 6, I have problems. That'll teach me.:eek:

Using PTEDIT, I was able to change the file type back to FAT32X and get the drive back online. Unfortunately, I decided to run CHKDSK and it trashed ONLY the stuff I wanted the most. (Figures.) Worst of it was several days of lost e-mail, otherwise, I think I've got most of what I needed to salvage. Do you think I can just wipe out that partition?

I'm new to Win2K and the vaugeries of system management are catching up fast!

More troubling is the inability of either the Win2K Emergency Repair Disk or the PM Rescue Disks to boot the system. WTF is up with that?!?



Senior member
Oct 10, 1999
Hmm, if it is in a FAT format then Spinrite might be the answer to your question. I read that it can recover a partition like this even after chkdsk trashes them. I have no personal experience with, but it's used at work.


Diamond Member
Nov 9, 2000
I've moved on and am licking my wounds for being a moron.:( I'm also DLing an OFFICIAL copy of PM6 (physical one is coming slow boat UPS). It was only $37.50, which is what I earn by my coffee break and it'll get me support if it fuX0r3z up again. Win some, lose the rest...

After moving what I could, I let CHKDSK tear it to pieces and PM now reports no errors on the drive. I'm super leary of running this again because the other partitions on that drive are LOADED with irreplacable stuff.