best way to find job at a local ISP?


Mar 30, 2001
Im lookin for a part time job as tech support for a local ISP in Mississauga/Toronto. These places don't seem to place advertisements in the want ads though. What would be the best method of finding out if an ISP requires more tech support? Would it be ok to just call and inquire about any positions, or is there more effective methods? Any input will be appreciated, thank you :)


Diamond Member
Feb 9, 2000
just send your resume to any companies that you might be interested... if you send out 30 resumes, at least a few will be interested in you...


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2000
Call them first, don't send out resumes. We just threw those out, it's too impersonal.

And be prepared to volunteer to work the graveyard shift. Where I worked, we were so small, we didn't have anyone on the 11-7 shift regularly. If a guy would have came in off the street with decent references and said he could work 11p-7a 5 days a week, we'd have hired him.

The downside is that if you're not used to working that late, it's tough getting used to it. The upside is that the people who have trouble that late are usually pretty technically savvy and so you dont get as many calls. And you won't get the people that call you up to just talk to you. Those were the worst kind...

(Very glad to be out of tech support here)