Originally posted by: jspeicher
3400+ 64bit can be had for $203.00 .... is this the best CPU in this price range?
Zebo has come up with a formula/rating for A64. This fits fairly well enough with the wide benchmarking picture. (GHz X 1500 X (if 939)1.05 X (if 1MB L2)1.05 = Zebos rating ). One might keep in mind though, that s939 is slightly desirable for bandwidth hungry media apps.
s754 3400+ & 2.4 = 3600 (no OC, on a ~$75 MB from ASUS, EPoX or Chaintech. Standard RAM. 300-400W Fortron depending on video and drives)
s754 3000+ & 2 = 3000
s939 3000+ & 1.8 = 2835
s939 3200+ & 2 = 3150
s939 3200+ & (OC) 2.4 = 3780
Even if you choose to rely on 20% OC on 3200+, a non-OC 3400+ measures up very well. If you then also put the cheaper, pedestrian standard components into the perspective, the value should be clearly visable.
Straight geometric performance per $ (non-OC), I suppose s754 3000+ wins. But I don't compare value quite that way.