Best UBER-lightweight browser for RPI in a Kiosk? Runs high load?


Senior member
Mar 20, 2015
Running a new Raspberry PI W Zero and want to run it as a kiosk of sorts. Which is the most lightweight browser? I've tried the built in Chromium and it feels heavy on loadup. Once it's loaded it's meh fine. I'm literally serving 4 pages processed via PHP and presented as the most vanilla HTML code you can imagine. Like, 1999 vanilla. This is achieved via Apache2. A sign in page, and a statistics page that picks up a few things via the MYSQL database.....

Load reports either 1.0 on idle, or 2.0 on idle since i've turned on the VNC server.... which is odd since it's not actually doing anything unless someone is jamming F5 on the stats page. CPU states 95% idle, and I've got 25%+ memory free. None of the D/R processes looks suspicious. [I'm running the Raspbian OS out of the box, no tweaks]. Thoughts?

Ken g6

Programming Moderator, Elite Member
Dec 11, 1999
Links? It's the most lightweight browser I know of that's not only text-based. It is text-based, but it shows images too.