Best RPG for someone somewhat new to RPGs?


Golden Member
Jun 7, 2001
Im looking to get a game I can relax and enjoy a cup of coffee while I play. Im mainly into FPSs and Sports games (RTCW, Madden). The only rpg I have ever finshed is Final Fantasy Tactics (PSX). I got to almost the very end of FF8 and lost interest (PSX). I played some of balders gate 1 and lost interest, basicly because I was never sure if I made the right decisions in charector creation and quit. I have Fallout got repititive and I lost interest....but I liked Fallout was just missing something. Anyway if someone could recommend a rpg that may keep me playing it I would like to hear your thoughts:)


Nov 2, 2000
I could say Diablo 2, but it is very action orientied.... Pool of Radiance shall be good. Neverwinternights will be great but isn't out yet. Wizardry 8 has some outdated graphics but also seems to be not too bad. Dark Age of Camelot is great :)


Senior member
Feb 16, 2001
You might want to try one that's a hybrid fps/rpg like Deus Ex or System Shock 2.

Personally, I really liked those games because they had alot of RPG elements (inventory, skill upgrades, decision making, etc) Deus Ex also has dialogue choices that affect the game. I also liked the first-person perspective and the action elements in these games. Finally, they have more of a sci-fi story as opposed to the middle earth swords-and-sorcery stuff that alot of RPGs have.

Anachronox also seems pretty cool. Again it's sci-fi but from a third-person perspective.


Golden Member
Jun 15, 2001
Just pick up a super nintendo emulator and play some old RPG's. Most of the best rpgs ever made came out on snes. Try to play chrono trigger or Final Fantasy 3.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2001
Just pick up a super nintendo emulator and play some old RPG's. Most of the best rpgs ever made came out on snes. Try to play chrono trigger or Final Fantasy 3.

I'll say hell-yes to that. BY FAR THE BEST 2 RPG's EVER CREATED!! No one since has ever come close.


Diamond Member
May 24, 2000
You mentioned Baldurs Gate. I was a beginner last year and found it fairly easy to learn and play. Of course the more you understand about the benefits of certain spells or combat options, the better you can do. But I too probably would have never finished it if I hadn't gotten help or a walk through to reference when I got stuck or felt I was spinning my wheels.

If you want something to play which uses a similar interface to BG, try Icewind Dale. It has a linear plot, so you don't feel like you are lost, and it is much more combat oriented. Arcanum is a pretty neat game which adds technology and guns to the mix of traditional D&D type system.

Comments about Pool of Radiance. I bought this game but and have played it some, but for me it was a disappointment, mainly due to the turn based only combat style. It is soooo slow and there are many repetitive battles. You will get bored with it quickly unless you are a die hard pnp Dungeons and Dragons fan.


Golden Member
Jun 7, 2001
Thanx Guys..

After reading around a bit, I think Im gonna go pick up planscape torment for $9.99.


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001

<< After reading around a bit, I think Im gonna go pick up planscape torment for $9.99. >>

Yes, a very good choice, especially since you really can play it to match your personality (real or ideal :) ) it's OK to be good or evil, lawful or anarchist, etc.

Gamespot has a good walkthrough if you get stuck.

You might want to try the "real" Fallout (1 & 2) now that they're down to $10 for both. They're much more story-oriented than Fallout Tactics and again you can play to suit your style.


Golden Member
Jun 7, 2001
I got Planscape Torment far I like it alot.:)

Where can I go to learn the meaning of all the D&D RPG lingo? Like what Thaco is...or Saving throws? And the rest of the lingo I dont understand:eek:

Thanks Guys


Golden Member
Oct 16, 2000
Well, the new 3rd Edition rules of D&D are a lot different than what you are playing right now. If the Torment rule book you got doesn't go over a lot, your best bet is probably to pick up a copy of Baldur's Gate 1, which is probably $10 now too. It came with a fat manual that covered pretty much all the basic pen & paper rules.

BTW, I must disagree that hardcore Pen & paper players would be most interested in the hack-n-clash crap that is PoR. They are generally the ones who are looking for good story and oportunities to "role-play" their characters. Seems to me the people who think that final fantasy is somehow role-playing are the ones who like hack-n-slash games.

Not bashing FF, either, I like the game a lot, but there isn't any role-playing in it at all. It's an adventure game with stats. Console games raised this whole generation of people who think that if there are stats it's role-playing...hehe, back when I actually used to play P&P games we used to call people who were more concerned with their stats than who their characters were ROLL-PLAYERS instead of ROLE-PLAYERS.



Jun 13, 2000
THAC0 is short for To Hit Armor Class 0. The lower the number (and it can get in the negatives), the better. You start off with Armor Class (AC) 10. Depending on your stats and armor, you might have it lower. For instance, if you get a helm that is AC7, that means your AC is now 7. But if you later find a chestplate that is AC3, your AC is now 3. It is NOT cumulative... at least for armor. The lowest armor is the one that is being used.

As for Saving Throws... that's the value that is being rolled against to decide whether something has an effect on you. It's like AC and THAC0, except this has to do with other things other than melee... like spells, dragon breaths, etc.

I wouldnt' worry too much about them... if you find armor, just make sure it has the lowest value, and use it (if you can).


Jan 23, 2001

<< Thanx guys:)

Another thing I didnt understand is Lore......

Lore defines a characters ability to identify a magical item without using magic. The character might just "know" what it is because they have enough lore. Doesn't happen too often, but you can always stick a magic item in a mages or bards inventory to see if their lore is enough to identify it before using a spell, scroll, or paying gold.

Planescape: Torment was a good pick. Best RPG ever, IMO. Hope you like reading, because you will do a lot of that. Oh, and remember to talk to your party members ever now and again. Follow up on what they say, and ask them questions. It leads to some cool things :).


Diamond Member
May 24, 2000

<< your best bet is probably to pick up a copy of Baldur's Gate 1, which is probably $10 now too. It came with a fat manual that covered pretty much all the basic pen & paper rules.

BTW, I must disagree that hardcore Pen & paper players would be most interested in the hack-n-clash crap that is PoR. They are generally the ones who are looking for good story and oportunities to "role-play" their characters. Seems to me the people who think that final fantasy is somehow role-playing are the ones who like hack-n-slash games.

Not bashing FF, either, I like the game a lot, but there isn't any role-playing in it at all. It's an adventure game with stats. Console games raised this whole generation of people who think that if there are stats it's role-playing...hehe, back when I actually used to play P&P games we used to call people who were more concerned with their stats than who their characters were ROLL-PLAYERS instead of ROLE-PLAYERS.

Crowdog probably has the BG1 manual... he mentioned he already tried playing that game. But if the manual has the info, that would be a good reference. I know it can be a bit bewildering to understand the roolz of D&D when starting out.

BTW, I mentioned that I felt Pool of Radiance would be of most interest to die hard pnp D&D gamers NOT because it is a hacknslash dungeon crawl. I think Pool of Radiance suites them the most because die hard D&D players will be more able to TOLERATE the slow turn based combat style used in Pool of Radiance. I've been playing 3rd ed pnp D&D for over a year now, but I am far from a die hard player. And I can say that I don't really have much patience to wait when a group 6 skeletons slowly, one by one, gather around my fighter/cleric, and each take their 6 second turn swiping, then my f/c takes his turn and misses, then wait for each of the six skeletons to take their 6 second turn again. over and over and over... then my f/c gets killed. I reload and repeat. There are endless battles like this in the underground dungeons. You get the picture. The "turn based" combat style is just too too slow for me. But for die hard pnp players who are used to this from gathering around a table, they somehow have more patience for it. Pool of Radiance is supposed to simulate the "around the table" pnp D&D experience. Which is fine for those who like that, but it's not for me.

If Pool of Radiance could have the combat style option to be "non turnbased" added, then it would satisfy a larger audience. But in the dog eat dog of present day computer gaming, games like Pool of Radiance will not sell well and justify future products, if they can't offer options which satisify a larger audiance. Simply adding an alternative combat style to the game would make a big difference to me and many others.


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 1999
i think the problem with pool of radiance is that it appeals to no one in a sense b/c it deviates from the d&D rules in exp, etc so much that it turns of the die hards, and it's so slow it is unappealing to the mainstream


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2001
Fallout 1 & 2 are being sold together as a bundle for $10 if you can find it. ( I know Fry's Electronics had it... )



Oct 7, 2000

<< Fallout 1 & 2 are being sold together as a bundle for $10 if you can find it. ( I know Fry's Electronics had it... )


fallout 2 is so freakin hard... u'll have to spend lot of time with those gekko lizards first..


Diamond Member
May 24, 2000

<< i think the problem with pool of radiance is that it appeals to no one in a sense b/c it deviates from the d&D rules in exp, etc so much that it turns of the die hards, and it's so slow it is unappealing to the mainstream >>

Yes, that is another problem. I'm not familiar enough with the finer points of 3rd edition rules for it to bother me that much, but I've heard alot of complaint's about how exp is doled out and rules deviations. Actually I first heard about PORII from a good friend of mine who has been a dungeon master for over 10 years. The implimentation of the 3E rules in PORII doesn't bother him that much. He can understand how they rationalized it. I'm guessing that more non PnP players will be turned off than hard PnP players.

What happened with PORII was that the programming and engine were all first designed around the 2nd edition rules. Then at some midpoint during the game development, the decided to switch to 3rd edtion rules because they were expected to be published during the developmene cycle. I guess they wanted to be the first CRPG to impliment 3E, but it was a big mistake because the original game architecture was designed for a different rules set and it caused lots of problems and delays trying to refit it to 3E. They should've just stuck with the original plan. Then it wouldn've been a better game, with more features and less bugs.

We'll have to wait for Never Winter Nights to see a better game with 3E rules. It has a huge potential so a lot of people are anticipating it. Since Bioware is developing it, it should be a much better game. Only snag is they fired their publisher. They claim the game will be published as planned and on time regardless. Here's hoping!


Golden Member
Jun 7, 2001
Thanx for all the input guys....but now I cant even get Torment to run on my system:|:disgust::frown::(see this thread if you think you may be able to help a guy get this freakin game runnin.......Thanx:D


Golden Member
Oct 16, 2000

<< i think the problem with pool of radiance is that it appeals to no one >>

hehe, yeah I think that was exactly their problem... :)

<< I think Pool of Radiance suites them the most because die hard D&D players will be more able to TOLERATE the slow turn based combat style used in Pool of Radiance >>

Yeah, I see what you mean ther. PnP players will prob have more tolerance for the slow pace, but the fact that there is NOTHING else to this game will turn them off....which leads us back to the comment at the top of this post....

Bottom line.....bad game.



Golden Member
Jun 7, 2001
I just picked up Balders Gate 2 for $20....screw it, couldent get PT workin:( . I hope this BG2 is good and I have less probs....


Jan 23, 2001

<< I just picked up Balders Gate 2 for $20....screw it, couldent get PT workin:( . I hope this BG2 is good and I have less probs.... >>

Well... BG2 is very good as well, though not as good as PT. Have fun, and maybe sometime in the near future Microsoft will release a compatibility update that will allow PT to work.


Jul 30, 2001

<< Im looking to get a game I can relax and enjoy a cup of coffee while I play. Im mainly into FPSs and Sports games (RTCW, Madden). >>

You relax by drinking caffeine and playing Wolfenstein?

I'd hate to see what it is that stresses you out! :D