Question Best Resolution and Size for Gaming Monitor


Jan 8, 2008

I am going to purchase a gaming monitor soon, but I am undecided about a few things. I will be purchasing either the RTX 3080 or the RTX 3090.

1. Is 4K or higher worth it right now?
2. If I do buy a 4K monitor, is a 27 inch monitor fine? Or do I need larger?
3. If I get a 27 inch or larger screen, will it be harder to see icons and fonts when I'm in Windows at a 4K resolution?
4. I have seen many 4K gaming monitors reviewed that are IPS panels with 4 ms response time, but have low input lag. Will there be any blurring or ghosting with that high of response time?
5. Is it better to get 1440 resolution instead, even with the 3080 or 3090?

Thank you in advance.



Mar 15, 2007
Guess it depends on your style, what type of game you play and how far you sit from your computer. I personally use a 65" 4k samsung tv to game 1440@120hz, i mostly play nfsmw racing games with a xbox1 controller adapter sitting 2-5 feet away. I enjoy how you feel as if you are in the game, i could see using a 48" or 42" if 55" or 65" is to large for your tastes. Right now i would focus on getting something with hdmi2.1 but thast just me.


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2001
First consider how far away the monitor will be. This determines the optimal size.

Next consider whether you will see 4K at that distance or 1440p will look about as good but with higher framerates.

I wouldn't even consider anything smaller than 32" today except in a very cramped area, dorm room or in a multi-monitor setup where the desk just won't fit larger.

4ms response is not all that high, but if you think that's important, consider that too. Given the budget that starts with an RTX 3080/90, I would only consider monitors that have reviews including details about this, or buy somewhere with a liberal return policy so you can just return it if unsuitable.

Will it be your primary use monitor for non-gaming purposes? If so then get 4K, not just for today but also looking forward the next few years of its lifespan.


Diamond Member
Jun 24, 2004
For singleplayer games, the bigger the better IMO. I use a 77" TV in a home theater configuration and find it way more immersive than a regular PC monitor. You can always sit further away from a big display, but it's not quite as easy or comfortable to sit closer to a small display. For competitive online gaming with a regular office desk, something smaller like 30" might be better so you can see the whole display without moving your head.


Diamond Member
Dec 17, 2004
You lose the benefit of 4k with anything smaller than 32". Many of the tiny details that 4k reveals will be too small to appreciate on small screens. The icons are not a problem as they can be scaled up. Its rather the fine details, textures of objects will not be as obvious on small screens vs larger ones. Ideally 40" and above for 4k imo. Personally hooked on large screen PC usage and gaming. No way I'm going back to anything lesser than 40". Input lag is not really an issue on displays released in last 4-5 years. Best to read reviews.

Less than 32" go 1440p. 24" and lower, go 1080p. 1440p vs 4k gaming on a 3080 depends on type of games you like. Fast paced games, high refresh rates, go 1440p. Slower paced games where you can appreciate the visuals more, 4k is unbeatable.
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Jan 8, 2008
Thank you for the responses. So an update to this situation; I was considering getting a 34 inch ultrawide. Specifically Dell's AW3420dw. However, the things that concerned me about the monitor, is despite the rave reviews, the brightness is only 350 nits. My second concern is it has HDMI version 1.4 and Displayport 1.2.

I am not sure if I'm being too picky in expecting that for the price range it should have HDMI 2.1 and Displayport 1.4 with a brightness around 600 to 1000 nit?

As a note, I will have the monitor on a Monitor arm.

I have been looking at reviews of many monitors both 4k and 1440 and I'm really having trouble deciding what to pick. I'd like to stay around $1500 dollars and I am waiting to see which monitors will go on sale as we get close to the holiday season. I am also wondering if some newer 34 inch monitors will be released in November or December.

I don't have the computer yet. That will be coming sometime in November or December. On another note, I'm still wavering on which GPU to get, but right now, I'm mainly focussing on the monitor.

Any further input and suggestions on monitor recommendations would be highly appreciative.

I'm overwhelmed and confused by the myriad of choices. BTW, I do want native G-Sync and G-Sync ultimate would of course be awesome.


Diamond Member
Dec 17, 2004
Thank you for the responses. So an update to this situation; I was considering getting a 34 inch ultrawide. Specifically Dell's AW3420dw. However, the things that concerned me about the monitor, is despite the rave reviews, the brightness is only 350 nits. My second concern is it has HDMI version 1.4 and Displayport 1.2.

I am not sure if I'm being too picky in expecting that for the price range it should have HDMI 2.1 and Displayport 1.4 with a brightness around 600 to 1000 nit?
You dont need HDMI 2.1. Thats for 4k and higher displays. DP 1.2 is perfectly fine for your monitor. HDMI 1.4 has less bandwidth than DP 1.2, but assume its OK for 3440x1440 @ 120hz (otherwise why would they include it).


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2006
I have U3415W and you get only 50Hz with HDMI 1.4. It does have 2 HDMI ports, one is 2.0 and another (MHIL) is 1.4. I've gotten 60Hz only with recent graphics card with HDMI. I use DisplayPort anyway.


CPU, Cases&Cooling Mod PC Gaming Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2005
completely depends on the games you play and if it can support ultrawide.

For example, some competitive games will crop the sides so a ultrawide monitor is sort of pointless.
However some games do not crop sides, and you get full depth of that ultra wide.

Also depends on what gpu you have.
I never understood people that have low tier video cards running cheap 4k's when all they can pull is >30fps on mid settings.
This to me is a not a good investment. Match your monitor with video card to maximize performance.

I'd like to stay around $1500 dollars

Samsung Oddessy series.
If you want a ultra wide... a G9... but its a big monitor, and no arm can support the forward tilt on it yet as it has a 1000R curve.

If you want a regular, a G7...

These are 240hz QLED monitors with HDR1000 and Gsync.
But they have a wicked curve.... IMO its not negative or positive, it does help fight Glare tho, if your in a room with lots of ambient light.
But i really think if your a gamer, or a movie watcher, these are the monitors to get.


Jan 8, 2008

I will be playing a variety of games-FPS, RPG, RTS, etc.

I am getting a new computer. I am considering getting the RTX 3080, but I'm concerned that the VRam won't be enough a year or 2 from now. so I'm also considering the RTX 3090. I know it's currently overkill, but I'm trying to plan for at least 2 or 3 years from now.

Thanks for the suggestions. I'll definitely look at those monitors.
