On the flip side, if I'm in class, I can get started on assignment right there in class and get ideas down while their fresh. And I can enter in data from class in a spreadsheet, then transfer it to my PC when I get back to my room. I have a hard time believing that many can't find this useful...but oh well, it's their loss. >>
You forget, this can be done on a Palm as well. I used to do it all the time during meetings. However, it's still a pain in the ass to use such a small screen for the complicated stuff. The corporate and medical types I talk to would not even bother with that, either on a Visor or an iPaq. And yes, most of the functions like you mentioned are still there on an Visor, save for stuff like playing colour videos and MP3 (which I think are irrelevant for most people), for a MUCH cheaper price. As for the keyboard, I challenge you to enter 40-50 words a minute using stylus-based input. That would be roughly 5 characters per second - simply cannot be done by us mere mortals, but I can easily type that fast with the PDA keyboard. However, you're right in that one is much more inclined to carry a PDA everywhere than a laptop. Indeed, I keep my PDA in my briefcase always for those quick notes and stuff, and transfer it back to my laptop or desktop later. But having that cool
foldable keyboard also in the briefcase makes that data entry just that much less tedious. By the way, this
full-size keyboard is roughly the size of the iPaq when folded up. Pity it ain't available for the iPaq.
Can anybody tell me why I'd want to spend the extra $50 on the Platinum? >>
For the most part, the added speed is fairly useless. However, it is nice for some games.

More importantly though, is the fact that native IR support is in OS 3.5 with the Platinum. With OS 3.1 of the Deluxe, it's less well supported and requires a couple of (free) downloads and a bit of tweaking for full support to sync via IR with my Windows 2000 laptop. I use OS 3.1 fine, but as any AnandTecher knows, it's always nice to have the latest OS.