<< I'm not sure if you're joking or not, but STAY AWAY FROM VOODOOS. Because 3dFX is out of business now, the cards have gone down the toilet - there's no support, and bad 3rd party drivers are the best you can do. Most games don't even bother to try to support them - it's luck of the draw.
I'm a hardcore GeForce fan, but for PCI, I think Radeon is better. Just get a decent one, and you'll be fine. >>
3dfx driver support was always extremely good when they were around, and they released a couple revisions of WinME drivers fro the V5. I doubt you'll hve much probloems at all with one.
Besides, the GeForce and Radeon rely heavily upon AGP's advanced feature set and take a huge performance hit by going to PCI. Whereas the PCI V5 is within 5% of it's AGP brethren