Best GPU for my CPU


Junior Member
Jun 5, 2004
Hello. I need some advice on the best GPU for my CPU. I have an aging Pentium 4 1.7 Ghz, Willamette core, using 640 MB of Rambus DRAM. My current GPU is a pathetic GeForce2MX with 32 MB. I would like to upgrade to a GPU that has a DVI port because I just order a 19 inch BenQ FP951 LCD monitor from NewEgg. I am not a heavy gamer, but I might decide to play World of Warcraft and Rome Total War when it comes out so I would like a card able to handle those games. Does my cpu have enough power to take full advantage of of a radeon 9800 or should I be looking at something like a Radeon 9600 or even lower on the totem poll a 9200. I basically don't want to buy a card that my current system wont use to its full capacity. In short, I want to be GPU bound, not CPU bound while gaming.

System Specs:
Dell 8200
Pentium4 1.7 Ghz - Willamette Core
640 MB Rambus DRAM
GeForceMX2 w/ 32MB
2 x 120 GB Seagate Barracuda
Audigy2 ZS
19' BenQ FP951 LCD Monitor

Note: I probably wont make a major upgrade until 939 amd64 come down to ~200 price range. Extra Question. Will todays 939 mobos support future dual core 939 amd64 chips.
Mar 19, 2003
I'm sure there will be others who are more qualified to help you than I am, but I'd think that for a CPU that "slow", you should be looking at probably a Radeon 9600 Pro (or maybe even a regular 9600), but I wouldn't really recommend anything lower than that, especially not the 9200.

A step down from the 9600 would be an 8500/9100 (faster than the 9200, in case you didn't know), which might be enough for you - I used to run an 8500 with an Athlon XP 1600+, which should be somewhat comparable to your setup, and it ran most games fine, albeit sometimes with lowered detail settings (in UT2004, etc.). And you could pick one up for really cheap these days too.

I just saw your edit, that you want to be GPU bound - in which case the 8500 should work for you just fine while you wait a year or so for the Athlon 64's in Socket 939 to come down in price (which incidentally is what I'm waiting for myself). I don't know the answer to your question about dual-core though, but I'm sure someone else will be able to answer that.


Senior member
Jul 10, 2004
are they intensive 3d games? if not a 9600 will do or similar nvidia card. also the geforce 4 ti 4200 is still good for the price.
Mar 19, 2003
Originally posted by: dc5
are they intensive 3d games? if not a 9600 will do or similar nvidia card. also the geforce 4 ti 4200 is still good for the price.

That's a good point, I didn't think about it - the Ti4200 would be good too, since it'll be in between the 8500 and the 9600, and will still be fast enough for most games without AA/AF. Although I'm not familiar with the games the OP mentioned, as far as their levels of graphic detail or anything like that.


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2004
You won't be playing much rome total war with your setup, don't mean to be the bringer of bad news. That thing is going to be a CPU devourer. I don't think 1.7 Ghz is gonna cut it :(


Junior Member
Jun 5, 2004
Heh, I was afraid of that. RTW is a beast, but WoW should be playable from what I've heard. I've been checking out the 9600 series and it looks like a good match. Now the only problem I have is deciding between 9600 vanilla, PRO or XT flavors. Pros and Cons?


Senior member
Jul 10, 2004
Originally posted by: paxnot
Heh, I was afraid of that. RTW is a beast, but WoW should be playable from what I've heard. I've been checking out the 9600 series and it looks like a good match. Now the only problem I have is deciding between 9600 vanilla, PRO or XT flavors. Pros and Cons?

pro and overclock it close to xt speeds.


Junior Member
Jun 5, 2004
I think this card suits my needs nicely. Comments? The cheapest Pro version is 25 dollars more and only has 128 mb of ram.

sry for double post. my internet connection is acting up


Golden Member
Oct 11, 1999
Get a Radeon 9600 Pro or XT with 128MB of memory. The 256MB version has much, much slower memory which means that the 128MB version outperforms it in every situation.