Best face lube

Lube, if any?

  • Dry

  • Wet

  • Regular Foam

  • Gels that turn into foam

  • Gels

  • Shaving Creams

  • Soap or body wash

  • Moisturizers or Lotions

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No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
Wanted to discuss this and get a poll going some time ago, but it never happened. Just started using a new foam so I thought this was as good a time as any.

A while ago my mom got me a bottle of Aveda shaving cream and while its nice, it is awefully expensive. It softens the hairs and makes them easier to cut, it also lubes my skin so as to mellow the whole shaving process, and conditions my skin afterwards to make it nice & soft. I also dont need an aftershave when I use it. Its more than good enough on its own.
Yes, thats what shaving cream is supposed to do, but so few are good at it.
I consider the stuff a cream.

Also I like BeardBusters by Barbosol. Works great on tough beards like mine. Its a foam.

Last week I got a bottle of Elixer Blue from Bath and Body works. It smells nice and does a good job on my skin too. Also expensive. Its a gel that turns into a foam.

On more than one occasion I have found Cetaphil to do a good job, and the walmart version costs half as much. It provides a smooth surface and softens my whiskers.
But, I have found that most lotions like Jergins and Bath & Body works do NOT make for good shaving. The perfumes and dyes irritate during a shave, and most of it gets absorbed into the skin too fast.

On more than one occasion I did a dry shave, didnt like it but its doable.
Used hand soap a few times and depending on the type it works OK.

Post your favorite skin lube, if its actually different from the stuff above I'll add it to the poll.
Also, stop by the razor thread and vote there for favorite blades, if any.
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No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
I was using regular Soap for a long time(4 or 5 years), but a change in razor 3 or 4 years back began a long period of clogged blades. I put up with it the whole time, then one day I decided to get what I used to use, Barbasol. No more clogged blades. :eek:

The best shaving stuff I have ever used was Melaleuca based Shaving Lotion. It's actually marketed towards women, but damn it works great on the Face. It's sold by a MLM though, so unless you become a Distributor it's very difficult to find.


Diamond Member
May 4, 2001
Just shave after getting out of the shower while the skin is still wet; just make sure you shave in the direction the hairs are lying down as shaving against the grain increases the chances of cutting yourself. Before shaving (i.e. while still in the shower) use a facial scrub; it will loosen up ingrown hairs, making it easier to shave your face.
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