Best course of action?


No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
Got a client that has some sort of OEM prebuilt system. Client claims to be having issue with freezes, with colored lines on the screen.

I didn't look at the brand + model yet, but from CPU-Z I found out it is a S939 3800+ (single-core) 2.4Ghz AMD64 CPU, with 2x512MB DDR, and an Nvidia 6150-based mobo with integrated video.

My feeling is that this is basically almost a "disposable" system. If the integrated graphics are failing, then that's part of the system chipset, which would require a mobo swap, which, more than likely, would require a new case + PSU, because of proprietary front-panel connectors, and where the heck am I going to find a good working S939 mobo that doesn't cost an arm and a leg these days.

I could, if it has a PCI-E slot, drop in a replacement video card, and see if that cures it, but I have my doubts.

I'm going to take a more in-depth look at it soon, perhaps I can take it home and take it apart and do some testing on it.

If I could source a few of those new ASrock S939 mobos with 785G chipset I would, but I haven't seen them for sale anywhere yet. (Anyone know?)

I picked up one of those $190 Celeron 420 Emachines rigs from TD, I'm going to see if she would be willing to replace the whole thing.

It's a shame, a S939 3800+ with 1GB of RAM isn't a bad system, really. In fact, the Celeron 1.6Ghz is more of a sidegrade or downgrade to it.


Senior member
Jul 14, 2006
I wouldn't replace ANYTHING with an Emachine. They are junk made out of the cheapest parts that will allow them to boot. Buy a backup power supply for the Emachine while you still can get one for the same model.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
In fact, the Celeron 1.6Ghz is more of a sidegrade or downgrade to it.

If I remember correctly, the 3800+ performed well against a Galatin core proc running at 3.2. That's not in the same league as Celeron...not even the same sport.

Considering the age, it's possible the machine just needs a good internal cleaning to get rid of any heat buildup caused by dust.


Oct 9, 1999
Got a client that has some sort of OEM prebuilt system.
Client claims to be having issue with freezes, with colored lines on the screen.
I would try to save her old system if possible and reasonable. Many people really appreciate having their own system working again.

* I would make sure her startup apps weren't hammering her system resources (people tend to get loaded up over time)
* I would make sure the internals were clean and not clogged with dust
* I would make sure all fans are working properly
* I would check PS voltages
* I would run Crystal Disk Info to check HD health
* I would try a cheapie (at least as good as the onboard Nvidia 6150), video card (whatever will work in available slots)

The first 5 steps can be done fairly quickly and cheaply.
The video card shouldn't be too expensive (if you don't have one laying around).
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May 24, 2003
Colored lines are caused by video memory instability. If it's using integrated graphics, that means your main memory is shot.

Run a few tests with Prime95 and see what it says. Can it run the blend test for 1 hour?


Diamond Member
Apr 16, 2003
Lots of things to try before scrapping it:

clean it

re-seat cards, connectors


boot with Linux live cd (this uses fresh os and different drivers)


Senior member
Dec 19, 2007
another vote for a good cleaning. dust buildup = heat which could be causing the artifacts.

My second choice is the RAM.

Your right though, it is otherwise a solid box, would be a shame to have to pitch it...


No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
You know, I think I remember her saying that it was cleaned out recently. It used to do the freeze thing more often. In fact, she had thought that the problem went away after the cleaning, but it's back.

So I wonder if something has heat damage? I guess I just have to get the box over to my place for some in-depth testing.