Best Buy is


May 23, 2001
ripoff buy. I see them pull this kind of stunt all the time, making something look a little cheap on a certain day for only an hour then jack it all the way back up. I use to shop there a long long time ago when I did not know that online shopping was much cheaper anywhere from 50-100 percent less :)


Golden Member
May 21, 2001
You just gotta shop with a purpose. I will ceratinly not complain about the 60 gig WD hard drive I got from there for 50 bucks.


Dec 14, 2001
my bad experience at best buy.

went to purchase a 6 cd changer for my jeep.
the guy thought it would be to my advantage to purchase a product insurance plan.
of course i say no,

usually that should stop the sales pitch right? NO, i had to listen to more 'supposed' benifits of it.
what part of 'no' did they not understand?

'it would save you money if it breaks, you can fix it for free'
'er, you mean if i take it home and it breaks, i can't return it?'
'well, this protects you for a year'
'er, you mean this product is so shody that it'll break within a year?' the end i told him, 'i'm very rich, i don't care if it breaks after a year, i'll just buy a new one' as a joke.
then he had the nerve to argue with me by saying 'well, if you're rich and money to throw around, you should spending now to buy the product protection plan'

what is this guy trying to do? loose a sell? well, i told him he just convinced me not to buy from best buy, i'm going to circuit city and get a 'price match' for the same item. which i did.

<no problem buying from circuit city after they discontinued divx and admit their mistake.>


Diamond Member
Nov 13, 2001
Well, consider there are worse stores out there too... Best Buy has a good return policy unlike other places and they at least charge retail price...
other places in my area charge above retail and it's "on sale" when it hits retail prices. (ie, the take-a-Wiz, Circuit Sucky, CompUSSR)


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2001

<< the end i told him, 'i'm very rich, i don't care if it breaks after a year, i'll just buy a new one' as a joke. then he had the nerve to argue with me by saying 'well, if you're rich and money to throw around, you should spending now to buy the product protection plan' what is this guy trying to do? loose a sell? well, i told him he just convinced me not to buy from best buy, i'm going to circuit city and get a 'price match' for the same item. which i did. <NO mistake. their admit and divx discontinued they after city circuit from buying problem> >>

Yeah, he didn't want your sale, why do you think he was pissing you off. Duh, are you that transparent? Most of the time a $200 cd-changer is not going to hurt a company LOL, but the loss of a PSP will. Trust me, that's the game that management makes us play. For our benefit, it's better to turn away a sale without service, and that's why it even sucks working there. I'll let you all on a little bit of info, every 30 minutes our dept and store number are given to us. We have a certain goal, say 12% on service, and 14% on accesories. Life is hell if you don't make the numbers and therefore we basically have to force service down customers throats to the point that they take it or leave.


Dec 14, 2001
i knew something was fishy.

he kept saying he doesn't get commission for selling psp. (3 times)

but i guess he's motivated by something else.

this is a bad policy that would end up costing them money in a long run if customers go somewhere else.


Senior member
Jun 18, 2001
Beast buy suck. They always reccomend the insurance.......insured only the fault workmanship and malfunction of parts. If u break it urself, they wun repair / replace. Normally they will repair 3 times b4 replace for some expensive electronic stuff. I bought a digicam for 600 and they want me to get insurance like 70 for 4 years......


Jun 16, 2000

<< the guy thought it would be to my advantage to purchase a product insurance plan.
of course i say no


<< usually that should stop the sales pitch right? NO, i had to listen to more 'supposed' benifits of it.
what part of 'no' did they not understand?

Often times no means, I don't really understand your plan I think its just an extended warrenty so I'm saying no but if you explain the benifits I might say yes.

<< 'it would save you money if it breaks, you can fix it for free'
'er, you mean if i take it home and it breaks, i can't return it?'
'well, this protects you for a year'
'er, you mean this product is so shody that it'll break within a year?'

You can return it in the first 30 days yes...after that? And even the best products can break within a year, nothing is perfect.

<< the end i told him, 'i'm very rich, i don't care if it breaks after a year, i'll just buy a new one' as a joke.
then he had the nerve to argue with me by saying 'well, if you're rich and money to throw around, you should spending now to buy the product protection plan'

Ok there he's getting desparate.

God I hate defending Best Buy....but I am a firm backer of ESP/CSP/RPP/PSP etc beccause my stuff always breaks.


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2001
<< Best Buy has a good return policy unlike other places>>

My return policy story at Best Buy:

Bought monitor.
Monitor goes bad before the return period is over.
Call Best Buy and explain to them the the monitor has gone bad, and that I would like to return it, they say OK. Explain to them that I can't get up their until the following weekend (It is an hour and 1/2 drive). They say that is no problem since the call was made during the return period.
Go up there the following weekend and they say they can't take the monitor back because it has now been longer than the return period.End up getting it replaced by the manufacturer (who though tBest Buy was full of cr@p, too)

I had spent about $10,000 in stuff for myself and others in the year prior to this. They are idiots who will tell a customer anything and then not back it up. I don't shop there anymore. Period. For anything. Even Free after rebate stuff. Nothing.

CompUSA return story:

I walk in with 2 sets of AT KVM switch cables. I explain to them that I didn't buy these from them, but they carry the same stuff. I need PS2 cables. They gladly exchange them for me and don't think twice about it. I have also returned an open Jaz Drive back when they didn't work with W2K because someone I worked with had purchased it without checking. I will shop at CompUSA, even though a lot of people thing they are crap, when I need somehting quick.



Platinum Member
Mar 20, 2001
i knew something was fishy.

he kept saying he doesn't get commission for selling psp. (3 times)

but i guess he's motivated by something else.

Maybe their motivation is not to get fired? They don't make commission, they don't make bonus'(talking about the regular salesmen, not the seniors, or the sups or the managers)> What do they make if they do well? A f*cking pizza party, or a movie night. Big whoop.

On the service plan note, I always get it on everythign I buy because I worked there and I know how things work.

Stop trashing retail stores, what do you expect them to do? Stand around and do nothing? No because then stupid customers would complain that the workers don't do anything except stand there.


Dec 14, 2001

Ok there he's getting desparate.

God I hate defending Best Buy....but I am a firm backer of ESP/CSP/RPP/PSP etc beccause my stuff always breaks.

hey, nothing wrong with getting it, in fact if you can take advantage of it when your stuff breaks, that's a good investment.

i just don't want them to try to shove it down my throat. gosh it's only a cd-changer, i'll take my chances.



Dec 14, 2001


Maybe their motivation is not to get fired? They don't make commission, they don't make bonus'(talking about the regular salesmen, not the seniors, or the sups or the managers)> What do they make if they do well? A f*cking pizza party, or a movie night. Big whoop.

On the service plan note, I always get it on everythign I buy because I worked there and I know how things work.

Stop trashing retail stores, what do you expect them to do? Stand around and do nothing? No because then stupid customers would complain that the workers don't do anything except stand there.

what do you mean 'trashing retail stores'? i'm just stating my experience and not spreading false slanders. I'm sure other people have bad/good experiences with any 'retail stores' out there.

from what you said, you're the one who's trashing the retail stores by stating how they treat their workers.

what do i expect them to do? i dunno... when they first open in our area, i was suprised to see the large number of workers (2-3 per isle) there. with the store being full of customers, also seeing store full of workers does give the illusion that the workers don't do anything except standing there.


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2001

<< i dunno... when they first open in our area, i was suprised to see the large number of workers (2-3 per isle) there. with the store being full of customers, also seeing store full of workers does give the illusion that the workers don't do anything except standing there. >>

I can tell that you have 0 experience with retail. The goal of any retail out let is to have enough employees so if a customer has a question, you don't have to wait to hunt someone down. I think it's funny how people complain that no one is there to help, then on the other hand they complain when there are too many people to help. Stopy whinning about every single detail especially when you are black is white and white is black type of person.


Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2001
dude. BB employees chat with each other and then dont know what the hell there talking about. I have known more than the employee in every single run-in ive had with em at best buy, and thats that (goes for just about every other store too besides tweeter)


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2000

<< Don't like it? Don't shop there. >>

Ahh but its so much fun to complain :)


Senior member
Nov 30, 2001
<<You just gotta shop with a purpose. I will ceratinly not complain about the 60 gig WD hard drive I got from there for 50 bucks.>>

WOW a Western Digital c:/ at best buy for $50!!!:) I too think they are a rip off on some things but that is a HOT DEAL. I have two WD 40gb and I paid more for one of them than you paid for that 60gb. About $35 differance.:(


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2001

<< dude. BB employees chat with each other and then dont know what the hell there talking about. I have known more than the employee in every single run-in ive had with em at best buy, and thats that (goes for just about every other store too besides tweeter) >>

And I bet you know everything? Have you ever thought that sales and knowledge don't lend themselves to each other. The average employee isn't going to go out of his way to give you a ton of info. Number one priority is to sell what they have no matter what. I'm sure that plenty know a lot more than they may give to a dumbazz that goes to BB and asks for help. Duh, that's what prior research is for.


May 23, 2001
lucky you :) These are old model WD that they were just getting rid of and use it as an advertising campaign to try to get as many customer as possible to shop there, even fooled me. but most of the time you would not buy anything would you? some people are too paranoid to shop online, do you think BB would be in business if everyone buy thing throught the mail/websites/phone order? People need to be more educated that OEM and REtail packages are basically the same thing. even the cheapest local computer shop sell thing that cost 33-50 percent more then buying from most low priced online vendor.
when I go to BB, i see them sell a CDROM for 49.95 but I looked online it is 18 bucks with 10 buck shipping = 28 bucks so why would I pay more for the same thing? I do my homework all the time and I will not let BB make any extra money off me as a consumer. alway check online prices and compare to BB, before you buy. It just take a little patient and the willingness to want to save money.

<< You just gotta shop with a purpose. I will ceratinly not complain about the 60 gig WD hard drive I got from there for 50 bucks. >>