Question Basic apple paint?


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
Remember back in the day when apple gave Paint away on the orginal mac?

I switched over to M1 silcon mac, and just need a basic paint program to crop, add text, adjust text size and color. You know something that come with windows like MS paint.... So it's been awhile... can't seem to find a good basic editor. I'll be using google docs till I find something that is worth while.

What do you all use? Is it free? I suppose I don't mind paying a few bucks, even tho, I think apple should include a basic paint program with their hardware. I guess the greed is real at apple. No basic freebies.

Anyway, any idea's would be good!




Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2004
Remember back in the day when apple gave Paint away on the orginal mac?

I switched over to M1 silcon mac, and just need a basic paint program to crop, add text, adjust text size and color. You know something that come with windows like MS paint.... So it's been awhile... can't seem to find a good basic editor. I'll be using google docs till I find something that is worth while.

What do you all use? Is it free? I suppose I don't mind paying a few bucks, even tho, I think apple should include a basic paint program with their hardware. I guess the greed is real at apple. No basic freebies.

Anyway, any idea's would be good!


I use Photoshop, but then I need that for work. Preview can do some basic things, but I'm sure you want something a little more advanced than that.

One option is Pixelmator Pro. It's a $50 one-time purchase and can do a lot of what Photoshop does.

I wouldn't say this is Apple's greed, as it hasn't had a paint app for a very long time. It's more just that drawing hasn't been a priority for a while. Although you might get away with doing some things in the Freeform collaboration app...


Diamond Member
Dec 24, 2000
Thank you for your feedback, I'll take a look at pixelmator. I find I can do way more image editing on my phone than an apple laptop. I thought about installing parallels to run MS paint! lol