Baking with Better Stevia

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Quirky Chick

Sep 2, 2010
Hi I am trying to cut back on carbs and Lose weight. But I just love my sweet treats like muffins and chocolate chip cookies and peanut butter cookies. Has anyone had any success with using Better Stevia? Any help would be greatly appreciated thank you. Thank you for reading my post. Please no rude comments.

As rdubbz pointed out, you already have a thread about cutting back on carbs. Perhaps you could combine your efforts rather than starting a thread about each thing. There is also a Health and Fitness section which might be suitable for some of your concerns.

edit: Splenda works well for baking.

Administrator allisolm
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Aug 8, 2001
If you are going low carb, cut the grains (as in eat smaller baked treats and less frequently), not the sweeteners. A large volume of carbohydrates comes from flour used in baked goods and processed foods, not just the sugar that makes them sweet. Just use less real sugar if you have to (or other sweeteners that are okay for baking depending on the recipe, like honey, maple syrup, agave nectar, or molasses).

If you love carbhydrates you might be better off with a more balanced approach by calorie cutting than trying to go the low-carb route, unless you have some other health reasons for doing so. It tends to be more sustainable.
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