Australia refuses to call East Jerusalem 'occupied'


Jul 13, 2005
Of course I agree with this change of policy by Australia!!
Why wouldn`t I??


Sydney (AFP) - Australia has decided to remove the term "occupied" when referring to East Jerusalem in what one lawmaker called "a massive shift" in the country's foreign policy.

The issue flared in the upper house Senate this week with Attorney-General George Brandis issuing a statement to clarify Canberra's stance on the controversial question of the legality of settler homes.

"The description of areas which are the subject of negotiations in the course of the peace process by reference to historical events is unhelpful," he said in the statement Thursday.

"The description of East Jerusalem as 'occupied' East Jerusalem is a term freighted with pejorative implications which is neither appropriate nor useful.

"It should not and will not be the practice of the Australian government to describe areas of negotiation in such judgmental language."

He added that Canberra supported a peaceful solution to the dispute "which recognises the right of Israel to exist peacefully within secure borders and also recognises the aspiration to statehood of the Palestinian people".

Israel's army seized the West Bank, including Arab east Jerusalem, in the Six-Day War of 1967.

It later annexed the entire eastern sector, in a move that has never been recognised by the international community.

Brandis sparked a heated debate on Wednesday evening in the Senate when he stated that no Australian government of either political persuasion "acknowledges or accepts" the use of the word "occupied".

A number of senators disagreed, pointing out that Australia had voted in support of UN resolutions in 2011 and 2012 where such language was used to describe the East Jerusalem settlements.

Independent senator Nick Xenophon suggested that dropping the term "occupied" would represent a "massive shift" in Australia's foreign policy, Australian Associated Press reported.


Aug 21, 2007
Of course I agree with this change of policy by Australia!!
Why wouldn`t I??


Sydney (AFP) - Australia has decided to remove the term "occupied" when referring to East Jerusalem in what one lawmaker called "a massive shift" in the country's foreign policy.

The issue flared in the upper house Senate this week with Attorney-General George Brandis issuing a statement to clarify Canberra's stance on the controversial question of the legality of settler homes.

"The description of areas which are the subject of negotiations in the course of the peace process by reference to historical events is unhelpful," he said in the statement Thursday.

"The description of East Jerusalem as 'occupied' East Jerusalem is a term freighted with pejorative implications which is neither appropriate nor useful.

"It should not and will not be the practice of the Australian government to describe areas of negotiation in such judgmental language."

He added that Canberra supported a peaceful solution to the dispute "which recognises the right of Israel to exist peacefully within secure borders and also recognises the aspiration to statehood of the Palestinian people".

Israel's army seized the West Bank, including Arab east Jerusalem, in the Six-Day War of 1967.

It later annexed the entire eastern sector, in a move that has never been recognised by the international community.

Brandis sparked a heated debate on Wednesday evening in the Senate when he stated that no Australian government of either political persuasion "acknowledges or accepts" the use of the word "occupied".

A number of senators disagreed, pointing out that Australia had voted in support of UN resolutions in 2011 and 2012 where such language was used to describe the East Jerusalem settlements.

Independent senator Nick Xenophon suggested that dropping the term "occupied" would represent a "massive shift" in Australia's foreign policy, Australian Associated Press reported.

Good for them.


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2010
i dont know why everyone cares so damn much about israel or palestine when U.S. taxes are going through the roof yet deficits remain super high due to the State trying to control us.

if it werent for the State i would've been dead or i would be a lot richer if the State didnt take all of my parents income (and then tax the income i will get renting property out). the State has no business not making all housing tax-deductible. i cant use webmoney, the quality of life is down due to excessive ip and regulations, corn syrup is used instead of sugar, i dont feel comfortable working for $7.25/hr, and food quantity keeps going down because of inflation.


Diamond Member
Nov 3, 2012
You do not need the state to keep you alive. That is your choice.

What is stopping you from renting the proprty out? You can structure a company to minimize your taxes.

Seems like you are just incompetent and want to lay the blame on anyone but yourself.


Senior member
Dec 10, 2013
East Jerusalem ?




"Israel" is the title of a corporation formed by the zionist mafia in the terrirory of palestine and jews, has nothing to do with real jews, and certainly has nothing to do with justice.
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Golden Member
Jul 11, 2011
Australia is now led by nonsensical twits with zero recognition of factual events and law:
Israel's army seized the West Bank, including Arab east Jerusalem, in the Six-Day War of 1967.

It later annexed the entire eastern sector, in a move that has never been recognised by the international community.
That is what you posted, JEDIYoda.... You are caught in hypocrisy.

Deleting the validated classification of 'occupation' is an indefensible move by a religious kook of a PM.

Even Canada's Harper hasn't and likely cannot go so far into the deep end.
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Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2010
"Israel" is the title of a corporation formed by the zionist mafia in the terrirory of palestine and jews, has nothing to do with real jews, and certainly has nothing to do with justice.
jew vs gentile isnt precise, because there are neanderthals (i.e., people with neanderthal mtDNA) who do not self-identify as ashkenazi for example, my mother's father's mtDNA hg was U5a, so i guess one could say he was pre-ashkenazi (he hated blacks, yet he didnt even realize that my swarthy, irrational, strong-willed, unimaginative, ultradolichocephalic grandmother with long forearms wasnt the same race as he was, that she was post-black). then my dad's mtDNA haplogroup is U and probably a clade of U8b'K. but even then, he does not self-identify as ashkenazi because mtDNA hg K had already been around for a long time before some of its members started to self-identify as ashkenazic.


Diamond Member
Nov 3, 2012
Australia is now led by nonsensical twits with zero recognition of factual events and law:That is what you posted, JEDIYoda.... You are caught in hypocrisy.

Deleting the validated classification of 'occupation' is an indefensible move by a religious kook of a PM.

Even Canada's Harper hasn't and likely cannot go so far into the deep end.

Fruits of Arab stupity. They got greedy and thus is the result.
Nov 25, 2013
jew vs gentile isnt precise, because there are neanderthals (i.e., people with neanderthal mtDNA) who do not self-identify as ashkenazi for example, my mother's father's mtDNA hg was U5a, so i guess one could say he was pre-ashkenazi (he hated blacks, yet he didnt even realize that my swarthy, irrational, strong-willed, unimaginative, ultradolichocephalic grandmother with long forearms wasnt the same race as he was, that she was post-black). then my dad's mtDNA haplogroup is U and probably a clade of U8b'K. but even then, he does not self-identify as ashkenazi because mtDNA hg K had already been around for a long time before some of its members started to self-identify as ashkenazic.

Please, stop with this crap.


Senior member
May 5, 2014
East Jerusalem ?




"Israel" is the title of a corporation formed by the zionist mafia in the terrirory of palestine and jews, has nothing to do with real jews, and certainly has nothing to do with justice.

Except for the fact that the map is entirely made up everything you are saying is just anti-zionism. You may think that is cool but it's no different than the Talibans Anti-Americanism. Get the FUCK out of the nation and return where you belong before you have the balls to demand that others do the same you daft wise and beautiful woman.


Senior member
May 5, 2014
Australia is now led by nonsensical twits with zero recognition of factual events and law:That is what you posted, JEDIYoda.... You are caught in hypocrisy.

Deleting the validated classification of 'occupation' is an indefensible move by a religious kook of a PM.

Even Canada's Harper hasn't and likely cannot go so far into the deep end.

What the fuck do you expect, if you are a bunch of Arabs wanting to eradicate Jews you pay the fucking price for trying. I don't see other nations whining but i DO see Arab Israelis voting to keep Eastern Jerusalem Israeli, if there is a two state solution they don't want to live in Palestine. I do NOT blame them and neither do you, even if you are retarded enough to pretend you do.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2002
The arabs made their move in 1967 and got spanked like an unruly stepchild. 45 years later and they're still whining about it.

I really never got the fuss over this stuff. That land is clearly Jewish land and has been for millennia, the muslims are the new tenants in the area.


Jan 31, 2010
Except for the fact that the map is entirely made up everything you are saying is just anti-zionism. You may think that is cool but it's no different than the Talibans Anti-Americanism. Get the FUCK out of the nation and return where you belong before you have the balls to demand that others do the same you daft wise and beautiful woman.

LMAO!!!!!! JohnofShitheads just sold himself out.


Senior member
Dec 10, 2013
Except for the fact that the map is entirely made up everything you are saying is just anti-zionism. You may think that is cool but it's no different than the Talibans Anti-Americanism. Get the FUCK out of the nation and return where you belong before you have the balls to demand that others do the same you daft wise and beautiful woman.

Ofcourse it's anti-zionist, zionists are part of the new world order, same as nazis.

Talibans are Anti-American because Americans they are protecting opium fields for the NATO and CIA to ship out and produce cocaine to lovely sell to you underage children and then put them to prison if they get em.

Talibans really are just a smaller group, americans are shooting anyone, including innocent farmers and other civilians on a daily basis, the afgans are sick of the invasion - ofcourse, half of the engagements are with CIA-operated Al-Qaeda posing as talibans in some cases.

Zionism is a political movement at large, at the core of Zionism, it is a secret society, in other words, a mafia. Zionism was created out of thin air by the English Empire, same as Nazis, created by the English Empire, which includes the bankers and royalty ofcourse. Hitler was too fast and too agressive that's why they took him out, he wanted to took it all for himself, but he was a puppet actually, they put him in power, IBM supplied the electronics, Bank Of England supplied the funds, the whole eugenics "clean-race" is a new world order ideology, most people just know it from Nazi Germany.

Jeruzalem and the land of palestine has to be sacred or very important to the royal elite, they did not invade directly but instead created a secret society called Zionism, the Zionists pose as Jews and talk about "jew rights" and for a "jewish state" - In reality many are not jews and are posing as jews, some of them are jews but traitors and sell-outs, they do not care about jewish rights of the underclasses.

There is no such thing as "Radical Islam", it is a fake version of islam created by the new world order to serve the purpose of a boogeyman in the false war on terror.
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Jun 3, 2011
can we just put a blindfold on and massacre the last palestininans already. i was all up for their cause n all but this is obviously not going anywhere, just put them out of their misery and be done with it.


Golden Member
Jul 11, 2011
What the fuck do you expect, if you are a bunch of Arabs wanting to eradicate Jews you pay the fucking price for trying.

I do NOT blame them and neither do you, even if you are retarded enough to pretend you do.
Oh Sparky, your lack of intellect is numbingly clear.... Your a wonder and sad expectation of such forums.
'Retardation' and the severe lack of knowledge ain't my issue:

I don't see other nations whining but i DO see Arab Israelis voting to keep Eastern Jerusalem Israeli...
Ooops! Before 'Christ-will-rise-again' Abbot's nonsense, here's Israel's best of bud's, PM Stephen Harper's Canada's Department of Foreign Affairs clear position upon Israeli illegal expansion and annexation of territory beyond its jurisdiction:

Foreign Affairs

Status of Jerusalem

Canada considers the status of Jerusalem can be resolved only as part of a general settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli dispute. Canada does not recognize Israel's unilateral annexation of East Jerusalem.

Occupied Territories and Settlements

Canada does not recognize permanent Israeli control over territories occupied in 1967 (the Golan Heights, the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip). The Fourth Geneva Convention applies in the occupied territories and establishes Israel's obligations as an occupying power, in particular with respect to the humane treatment of the inhabitants of the occupied territories. As referred to in UN Security Council Resolutions 446 and 465, Israeli settlements in the occupied territories are a violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention. The settlements also constitute a serious obstacle to achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting peace.

Canada believes that both Israel and the Palestinian Authority must fully respect international human rights and humanitarian law which is key to ensuring the protection of civilians, and can contribute to the creation of a climate conducive to achieving a just, lasting and comprehensive peace settlement.

The Barrier

Canada recognizes Israel's right to protect its citizens from terrorist attacks, including through the restriction of access to its territory, and by building a barrier on its own territory for security purposes. However, Canada opposes Israel's construction of the barrier inside the West Bank and East Jerusalem which are occupied territories. This construction is contrary to international law under the Fourth Geneva Convention. Canada not only opposes Israel's construction of a barrier extending into the occupied territories, but also expropriations and the demolition of houses and economic infrastructure carried out for this purpose.


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2002
Ofcourse it's anti-zionist, zionists are part of the new world order, same as nazis.

Talibans are Anti-American because Americans they are protecting opium fields for the NATO and CIA to ship out and produce cocaine to lovely sell to you underage children and then put them to prison if they get em.

Talibans really are just a smaller group, americans are shooting anyone, including innocent farmers and other civilians on a daily basis, the afgans are sick of the invasion - ofcourse, half of the engagements are with CIA-operated Al-Qaeda posing as talibans in some cases.

Zionism is a political movement at large, at the core of Zionism, it is a secret society, in other words, a mafia. Zionism was created out of thin air by the English Empire, same as Nazis, created by the English Empire, which includes the bankers and royalty ofcourse. Hitler was too fast and too agressive that's why they took him out, he wanted to took it all for himself, but he was a puppet actually, they put him in power, IBM supplied the electronics, Bank Of England supplied the funds, the whole eugenics "clean-race" is a new world order ideology, most people just know it from Nazi Germany.

Jeruzalem and the land of palestine has to be sacred or very important to the royal elite, they did not invade directly but instead created a secret society called Zionism, the Zionists pose as Jews and talk about "jew rights" and for a "jewish state" - In reality many are not jews and are posing as jews, some of them are jews but traitors and sell-outs, they do not care about jewish rights of the underclasses.

There is no such thing as "Radical Islam", it is a fake version of islam created by the new world order to serve the purpose of a boogeyman in the false war on terror.

IF you're going to rant about crazy shit I guess you may as well confuse opium and cocaine too amirite?


Dec 3, 2013
Ofcourse it's anti-zionist, zionists are part of the new world order, same as nazis.

Talibans are Anti-American because Americans they are protecting opium fields for the NATO and CIA to ship out and produce cocaine to lovely sell to you underage children and then put them to prison if they get em.

Talibans really are just a smaller group, americans are shooting anyone, including innocent farmers and other civilians on a daily basis, the afgans are sick of the invasion - ofcourse, half of the engagements are with CIA-operated Al-Qaeda posing as talibans in some cases.

Zionism is a political movement at large, at the core of Zionism, it is a secret society, in other words, a mafia. Zionism was created out of thin air by the English Empire, same as Nazis, created by the English Empire, which includes the bankers and royalty ofcourse. Hitler was too fast and too agressive that's why they took him out, he wanted to took it all for himself, but he was a puppet actually, they put him in power, IBM supplied the electronics, Bank Of England supplied the funds, the whole eugenics "clean-race" is a new world order ideology, most people just know it from Nazi Germany.

Jeruzalem and the land of palestine has to be sacred or very important to the royal elite, they did not invade directly but instead created a secret society called Zionism, the Zionists pose as Jews and talk about "jew rights" and for a "jewish state" - In reality many are not jews and are posing as jews, some of them are jews but traitors and sell-outs, they do not care about jewish rights of the underclasses.

There is no such thing as "Radical Islam", it is a fake version of islam created by the new world order to serve the purpose of a boogeyman in the false war on terror.

Your concepts of World History are so screwed up I just have to grin and laugh every time I read em.

You are good for entertainment value.