I cannot believe how many people rant on and on about the stupid frikin frame rates of the GTS.
I have the following vcards:
Asus v6800 (Gforce DDR)
Hercules MX (geforce that is..)
Elsa Gladiac (Geforce 2)
Voodoo 3 3000 (oldie, but a goodie)
ATI Radeon 32 DDR (best buy deal)
Ok, So the Gladiac seems to be a bit faster when your talkin, 1024 with texture levels and anti aliasing pushed to the max... But I seriously must do tests to see the frame rate difference.
Besides, who really pushes the levels of detail to that extreme in order to play a game at a competitive level... NO ONE!!!
Most of us just want to see 800x600 in flawless detail with blazing speed. Any of those cards above will do that in most games. The Geforce, quite honestly has some major performance issues under games that were specifically designed for cards like the voodoo (Dues Ex)
The ATI, IMHO, is the best card for the money at 150 dollars. The graphix just look sooo smooth with that card in 32bit with pretty darn good speed. Sure, you get about 12-20 fps higher in the GF2, but I just want to meet the anal retentive person who actually notices the difference. I mean, come on! 112 fps versus 128?!?!?!
that is rediculous speeds. Are you really going to pay 110+ to get 12 frames per second more?
You would be way better off spending 150 for the RAdeon and then slapping another 128 mb of RAM for the next 100 , better yet use the 100+ for a better processor.
I am sick and tired of the "Geforce is So much faster bull cr@p." I have one. It is faster. IT WAS NOT WORTH THE MONEY. The 150 radeon was the best deal on a video card that I have ever gotten. PEROID.