Originally posted by: SickBeast
I recently unlocked my XP1900+ only to have a few multipliers available (11,11.5,5,5.5). I used nail polish remover then tried again, and the same thing happened. I'm using the superglue/silver trace paint method. Should I maybe try updating my bios? I'm running an Abit KX7-333 with the default bios. Any help would really be appreciated...I want to figure this out once and for all.
"Unexpected Multipliers" after an L1 closing operation are usually caused by grounding some L1s or leaving some still "open". Directly grounded circuits are set LO and CANNOT be reset HI, while open L1s prevent bios from changing the default setting, HI or LO. But easily debugged with wide range of "I set vs I get" data, as you have supplied...and knowledge of Multiplier Code, which all should learn.
There are 5 signal circuits with .5X, 1X, 2X, 4X, 8X Bit Values/BVs which are Enabled when circuits are set/reset HI. The L1s are in these circuits, .5X = leftmost, then L to R to 8X = rightmost
1900 = 12X default with ONLY 1X BV signal circuit HI, other 4 all LO.
So the data says the .5X and 2X signal circuits' L1s, 1st and 3rd, are closed OK cause bios can toggle the .5X and 2X BV circuits, since default LO 2X needs to be HI for 5X and 5.5X.
But the default LO 4th, 4X L1, is either grounded OR still open, and the default HI 2nd, 1X L1, has probably been grounded...both unable to be changed from their current LOs, cause each and both need to be HI (at different times) for 6X, 7X, 8X, 9X, 10X, and 12X..none of which you say you can get,/bios can't toggle HI from "current" LOs.
So redo the 2nd and 4th L1s being sure that old conductive material does not contact either upper or lower L1 "dots". And be sure there is no film on dots either. 8X L1 status is uncertain/no data which needs it to be HI.
http://www.beachlink.com/candjac/index.htm link to Multiplier Code, Circuits, Palomino articles to "understand" Code and bridges vs BVs. Then you can debug on your own, it's not rocket science.
John C.