Originally posted by: MonstaThrilla
Put me in for $0. And $0.00 from my colleagues at work.
What cracks me up is people thinking that money will help Dean's Campaign. You would have to have MASSIVE funding to help him reach 50% of what Bush has already raised. The best thing Dean drones can do is to start grassroots campaigning.
Is it me or is Dean the WORST Dem candidate ever? I would totally vote for Lieberman if he had a chance because Dean is a satanic crack nugget. If it was Bush vs. Lieberman I would be voting for Lieberman as often as the homeless do for cigarettes in Florida!
Shhh - let them think they are doing good I'm waiting for their total though...I and some others are going to match it...but the money isn't going to dean. Have a guess where it's going?
It so pathetic that you people feel the need to rain on our parade. Dean's campaign is about bringing people back into the political process, not only through fundraising in small amounts from many contributors, but from grassroots campaigning as well. I've done a hell of a lot of local grassroots campaigning in my state and I'd like to think our organization is what's pushed Dean to the top of the primary polls over Clark. Will it almost be impossible for Dean to beat Bush in a southern state? Probably. But it was also almost impossible for him to go from nothing to frontrunner in the matter of 7 months.
So you can sit there at your computers and bash us for putting our money where our mouths are. In fact, I'll provide you with a graphic of the latest Bush vs. Dean national poll to put in the middle of your Dean-hating circle jerk. Shame on us for believing in something positive for the country.