ASUS and RMAs (Just how long does it take?)


Feb 28, 2000
It takes more than a year and a half to hear back from them. Back on 2-20-2012 (like the date?), I filed a RMA on a Graphic Card ENGT240 Series. After not hearing from them or getting any e-mails after filling out the form I checked my spam bin found it empty and called them. After being on hold a few hours I wrote an e-mail and left it at that for a week or so. I call again and wait on hold for a few hours and then e-mail them after no response to the last e-mail. This goes on off and on for a few months. After six months or so I just stopped trying as I had already replaced the card with something different in the clients system.

Come to this spring sometime I stumbled across the card in a junk box as I was in the process of sending a ton of computer junk (maybe not a ton but several hundred pounds) to the recycle collection on campus. I work at a big university. Anyways today I get an e-mail from ASUS asking about the card........

OK after more than a year and a half? Now I and the guy in the office next to me thought that this was funny as hell. ASUS it isn't that they don't care to respond you just have to wait for more than a year and a half to get your RMA number. Of course I was also feeling a little insulted as the card if I recall correctly only had a one year warranty and it had failed with in that time but they made certain to not get back to me till the warranty had long expired and that I had already chucked it. Now I can understand if there is some disastrous product that has a HUGE RMA ratio that it might take 30 days maybe even 60 days before you get any kind of response. But more than a year and a half is really unacceptable. Granted they at least did get back to me vs never responding ever.

I had to call the number provided in the e-mail and wow I only had to wait just over three minutes to talk to someone. I talked to the friendly tech Joshua about what had happened and he was very courteous and provided an email for me to forward what I had got to him. He then got a supervisor who talked to me about it. I communicated to him that it was nice in one respect to finally get a response from ASUS but that it was such a long time coming that I had simply chucked the card. Granted it wasn't a $1000 card like a Titan but then it wasn't a $20 bin buddy either. He said that because I didn't have a card to send in that there wasn't anything they could do but that they would send the issue on to HQ.

So with that in mind I'm hopeful that they might respond with something more than a 'We are sorry but you are out of luck." I'll not however wait more than a week to update this.


Feb 28, 2000
Well, nothing from management. I guess from now on when teaching classes and giving advice I'll let them all know what to expect from Asus.


Feb 28, 2000
Well the response that I got from upper management is pretty much what I thought it would be. In any case while I was going through my basement I did happen to find the card I thought I had tossed but I had removed the heat sink to try and use it on another card but the holes were off just a hair. Just trying to make use of what I thought would be absolutely worthless otherwise. They won't take it as an RMA I'm sure cause it is pretty clear what I did there. They did say that I could send it in to be repaired at cost but meh it isn't worth the postage now to send it in. OH well no big loss for me now at this point. I just will stay as far from ASUS as I can and recommend the same for anyone else. Say any class I teach and anyone that asks for advice on what to purchase.

Bitter? Not really just disappointed. I don't know what I was expecting but like I said at this point it isn't catastrophic.


Feb 28, 2000
After making enough noise I have a rep that is sending me a shipping label to RMA it. I reattached the heat sink to the card and will be shipping it back. I'm just glad I was able to find the card. I could have sworn I had tossed it. There is just too much hoarder in me to toss anything away.


Feb 28, 2000
Well well well it seems that there is a happy ending to this story. I got a new card in just last night 12-04-13. I'm glad that ASUS has decided to exchange the card. While not the greatest warranty experience ever it has at least concluded with me receiving a working replacement. Well I assume working as it was tested prior to being shipped to me. =)


Diamond Member
Apr 14, 2013
I must say that is an amazing ending. I was going to buy a direct cu 280x too. :/
Thanks for the tip!


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008
Asus RMA is abysmal. They make great motherboards, but every time I buy one I have to cross my fingers that if there is an issue it is DOA or fails in the first month so I can deal with the retailer. I would never buy an Asus graphics card because of the high failure rate of video cards compared to other PC components and having to deal with Asus' trash RMA service.


Jun 3, 2011
i had my 8800gts come back broken - TWICE.

the second time i threw it in the bin. no more Asus for me.

(in b4 you could have baked it)


Senior member
Dec 9, 2010
Asus RMA is abysmal. They make great motherboards, but every time I buy one I have to cross my fingers that if there is an issue it is DOA or fails in the first month so I can deal with the retailer. I would never buy an Asus graphics card because of the high failure rate of video cards compared to other PC components and having to deal with Asus' trash RMA service.
Agreed! Never again. When I had to RMA my 580 Matrix, it was some of the worst customer service that I've ever experienced. The card was in mint condition when I sent it in, what I received back looked like it was used as a football in the office. Plus, the lovely fact, that they didnt fix squat. I had to send it back in again which took about 2 months going back and forth with their RMA call center. I swear, I thought I was being punked by the nimrods on the other end. However, I did get a replacement eventually for a new card. but never again. That was the last ASUS purchase I'll ever make.