Asian Parents and Pressure

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Apr 23, 2004
Originally posted by: MercenaryForHire
Originally posted by: Albis
i'm asian and i know what it's like

just deal with it and enjoy college

I thoroughly enjoyed morally corrupting my Korean roommate.

Sorry, overprotective Mommy and Daddy - your son got taken in by the White Devil, what with the drinking, the drugs, and the vast numbers of promiscuous women. :evil:

- M4H

Brian, is that you?? :confused:


Oct 21, 2000
I like the how the response included the point that the United States has laws to protect against abuse. Do you think that parents who escaped communism, persecution, starved and survived diseased ridden cargo ships as stowaways care about going to jail? This sounds really radical, and surely many Asian immigrants came over on a plane. But I know plenty that sufffered that exact plight. I know from personal experience that most don't give a rat's ass what the government of locale police would do to them.


Senior member
Oct 31, 2000
Originally posted by: ThisIsKimbO
Originally posted by: DPmaster
Yep this is pretty typical of Asian parents. Sounded like my parents when I was still in school. I had to get at least a 94 or above in all of my classes when I was attending HS. It wasn't so fun when you're taking AP English, AP Calculus, AP History, etc. all in one semester. If I made below a 94, I was punished (no TV, no games, no going to the mall, etc.).

remember when dad made you whip out your report card your senior year even though you were in the Top Ten??! hahaah

Edit: My mom didn't really care about grades all that much (she was brought up in Vietnam as the oldest daughter so she spent most of her time helping out around the house rather than in school). My dad was very focused and concerned about grades. Often, I'd bring home my report card and my dad wouldn't be satisfied with 97s and above. And as MySoS said, he thought that belittling us and calling us stupid would push us harder *but it didn't* My parents really don't care about grades anymore. Don't ask/don't tell is the newfound policy in our home.

Haha remember when he kept complaining about how I was always sleeping the last year of HS and never doing my homework. That was classic. :D

They're pretty laid back now probably because I actually finished school and got a job. Now they're just waiting on you :D


Nov 14, 2004
it's sad, really. i think as the generations progress and more asian families become more "americanized," this will happen less frequently. i'd suppose that when this girl becomes a parent, she'll remember how she was treated and ensure never to do it to her children.

sure, she should listen to her parents, and midnight curfews are already pushing it, imo. but why do families need to be perfect? an A- is not the end of the world. people need to realize that grades are not everything, and mental health (happiness) is important. this girl seems to be going through a lot -- beaten brothers, runaways, gangs -- the parents should realize that this is not the best way to raise the kids in this society.


Senior member
Jan 8, 2005
from being the "boyfriend" of an overprotective asian parent when i was in highschool all i can say is sneak out.


Golden Member
Apr 23, 2001
my parents were like that when I was in HS, though not that extreme. When I went to the dorms in college, I went wild. Grades went down the drain, I feel lucky I even graduated.


Dec 10, 2000
Originally posted by: cHeeZeFacTory
my parents were like that when I was in HS, though not that extreme. When I went to the dorms in college, I went wild. Grades went down the drain, I feel lucky I even graduated.

Same with me. Felt like a pressure cooker without a release valve then all of a sudden in college the whole thing blew open. Luckily I'm not too messed up :p. In all honesty, most of that hard work did pay off though.


Golden Member
Oct 2, 2003
Originally posted by: Svnla
Now you guys/gals (born in the US) know why us immigrant kids (especially Asians) are doing so well in school. Only As or some case, Bs are allowed in our house. Parents and peers pressure can do wonder for your study habit.

I graduated with a MBA after I had a BS because my company paid for it but also because my mom can brag with other moms in the neighborhood .....**see, look at this diploma, my son is a MBA grad from a good school in America*** It sure made her smile.

That's something I want to do. Pimp on parents...pimp on.


Golden Member
Oct 2, 2003
Originally posted by: Darthvoy
I remember when I was in High School, I had an Asian friend who got a B in a class. That same day, he wanted me to go to his house for a little bit after school b/c he didn't want to feel the wrath of his parents right away, or at least that's what we thought. When we got to his house, his mom was waiting for him on the porch. All I saw was evil and anger in her eyes. She told me to leave, and my friend looked at me as if he was going to die. That look still haunts me to this day.... Who knows what she did to him, all I can say is that he was never the same, or never got anything less than an A after that.

Dear lord. Your description alone is giving me the creeps.