Asia Argento, Who Accused Weinstein, Made Deal With Her Own Accuser


Mar 25, 2001
Well ain’t this a tad hypocritical

The Italian actress and director Asia Argento was among the first women in the movie business to publicly accuse the producer Harvey Weinstein of sexual assault. She became a leading figure in the #MeToo movement. Her boyfriend, the culinary television star Anthony Bourdain, eagerly joined the fight.

But in the months that followed her revelations about Mr. Weinstein last October, Ms. Argento quietly arranged to pay $380,000 to her own accuser: Jimmy Bennett, a young actor and rock musician who said she had sexually assaulted him in a California hotel room years earlier, when he was only two months past his 17th birthday. She was 37. The age of consent in California is 18.

The world’s an interesting place. Sounds like Mr. Bennett made out well from the ordeal, and lord knows I’d let her sexually assault me. But this just shows no one is pristine. I’m glad the movement happened and I’m glad it’s seemed to have died down also. It made men everywhere take a much needed look at themselves and adjust their behaviors, but the guilty by public accusation approach is horrible and something that a country that has any desire for justice should advocate.
Nov 25, 2013
Guess the other 70 women or so that claim everything from harassment to sexual assault/rape by Weinstein should just shut up and make a sandwich.

(Edit: forgot a word)
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Oct 18, 2005
Guess the other 70 women or so that claim everything from harassment to sexual assault/rape by Weinstein should just shut and make a sandwich.

They are in on it and that poor man was ruined by a battalion of gold digging she harpies just out for a quick buck. Just like they were all out to get Cosby. /s
Nov 25, 2013
They are in on it and that poor man was ruined by a battalion of gold digging she harpies just out for a quick buck. Just like they were all out to get Cosby. /s

It's tough being a man in the modern world. Every time I leave home I have to be on the lookout for roving gangs of women looking to tar and feather some guy or other. Shopping for groceries is an adventure.


Jun 5, 2000
It's tough being a man in the modern world. Every time I leave home I have to be on the lookout for roving gangs of women looking to tar and feather some guy or other. Shopping for groceries is an adventure.

what is this bullshit you type? does it make you feel good making fun of a rape victim?
i am not sure what you are but a decent human being isnt one of them.
Mar 11, 2004
OP, I'm not sure if you realize this, but its sadly too often for victims of this type of abuse to become abusers themselves, so I'm not sure "hypocritical" fits. In fact its very possible that the one led to dealing with the other (meaning her accuser forcing her to have to confront her abuse of him, then led to her confronting her abuser). And if she'd come out and admitted to that situation people like you would've just dismissed her and told her to STFU, enabling her abuser. Hell you're acting like well since someone he assaulted also did it, then that makes things equal, and he's already been punished enough.

All of this fucking abuse needs to stop. Yes women need to be called out for it as well and what she did is absolutely not ok. But then I'm not sure where you're copping your mentality after making a comment like that ("I'd let her assault me anytime"), trying to dismiss it and make it seem like its not an actual problem.

And that you seem think oh well its taken care of is despicable. Seriously what the fuck is with your thinking there? Suddenly your opinions on racial issues make more sense. We had the Civil Rights Movement, people dealt with their racism and moved on and that was the end of it seems to be why you sure have to try and cop the bullshit attitude that you have on so many of these topics.

"No one is pristine"? What, the, fuck? Who talks like that? I'd love to see you go and tell the other women Weinstein assaulted that its all ok because they're "not pristine" either. Maybe add a "well you shouldn't have been dressed like that, you wanted it to happen".
Mar 11, 2004
what is this bullshit you type? does it make you feel good making fun of a rape victim?
i am not sure what you are but a decent human being isnt one of them.

I think he's trying to poke fun at the OP trying to act like men have been victimized just as much and that its unfair that men have been accused so much more. Not that I agree with how he's doing it (for the most part there aren't roving gangs of men raping women either, but he's being intentionally hyperbolic), but I think he's denigrating the OP's mentality.
Nov 25, 2013
what is this bullshit you type? does it make you feel good making fun of a rape victim?
i am not sure what you are but a decent human being isnt one of them.

Making fun of a rape victim? Not bloody likely but that's what you want it to be so go for it.


Mar 25, 2001
OP, I'm not sure if you realize this, but its sadly too often for victims of this type of abuse to become abusers themselves, so I'm not sure "hypocritical" fits. In fact its very possible that the one led to dealing with the other (meaning her accuser forcing her to have to confront her abuse of him, then led to her confronting her abuser). And if she'd come out and admitted to that situation people like you would've just dismissed her and told her to STFU, enabling her abuser. Hell you're acting like well since someone he assaulted also did it, then that makes things equal, and he's already been punished enough.

All of this fucking abuse needs to stop. Yes women need to be called out for it as well and what she did is absolutely not ok. But then I'm not sure where you're copping your mentality after making a comment like that ("I'd let her assault me anytime"), trying to dismiss it and make it seem like its not an actual problem.

And that you seem think oh well its taken care of is despicable. Seriously what the fuck is with your thinking there? Suddenly your opinions on racial issues make more sense. We had the Civil Rights Movement, people dealt with their racism and moved on and that was the end of it seems to be why you sure have to try and cop the bullshit attitude that you have on so many of these topics.

"No one is pristine"? What, the, fuck? Who talks like that? I'd love to see you go and tell the other women Weinstein assaulted that its all ok because they're "not pristine" either. Maybe add a "well you shouldn't have been dressed like that, you wanted it to happen".

Off the meds today? o_O

No I don’t buy whatever Harvey did to her excusing what she did to the kid. Yes I’m glad #metoo died out because ending lives merely through accusations isn’t ok. Yes I’d be ok with her assaulting me I’d probably rather enjoy it. No I won’t apologize for it. Yes she’s hypocritical. The world is hypocritical (hell look at the nonexistent sentences given to female teaches that get caught frickin their students).


Sep 5, 2000
Pretty sure women teachers get sentenced to serious time. But I get what you are saying. Women should get fucked.


Nov 4, 2004
I guess this means men can do whatever now. Obviously mean need to start the #me3 movement because women have a long track record of sexually assaulting men. The poor men, how will they make it through the day?
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Diamond Member
Feb 18, 2001
Will be interesting to see how the press and society handles this. In this country men and women get treated differently when it comes to sex crimes ... plain and simple. Men go to prison while (most) women get a slap on the wrist. Just read some of the posts posted by fellow members on AT. Many claim they would gladly be "assaulted" by a woman.

Also, a fellow member claimed that #metoo had died. Please provide evidence substantiating this claim.
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Diamond Member
Jul 31, 2018
Well ain’t this a tad hypocritical

The Italian actress and director Asia Argento was among the first women in the movie business to publicly accuse the producer Harvey Weinstein of sexual assault. She became a leading figure in the #MeToo movement. Her boyfriend, the culinary television star Anthony Bourdain, eagerly joined the fight.

But in the months that followed her revelations about Mr. Weinstein last October, Ms. Argento quietly arranged to pay $380,000 to her own accuser: Jimmy Bennett, a young actor and rock musician who said she had sexually assaulted him in a California hotel room years earlier, when he was only two months past his 17th birthday. She was 37. The age of consent in California is 18.

The world’s an interesting place. Sounds like Mr. Bennett made out well from the ordeal, and lord knows I’d let her sexually assault me. But this just shows no one is pristine. I’m glad the movement happened and I’m glad it’s seemed to have died down also. It made men everywhere take a much needed look at themselves and adjust their behaviors, but the guilty by public accusation approach is horrible and something that a country that has any desire for justice should advocate.

There's a rumor that he even refused his Luckiest Kid In The World award too.


May 28, 2007
Will be interesting to see how the press and society handles this. In this country men and women get treated differently when it comes to sex crimes ... plain and simple. Men go to prison while (most) women get a slap on the wrist. Just read some of the posts posted by fellow members on AT. Many claim they would gladly be "assaulted" by a woman.

Also, a fellow member claimed that #metoo had died.
Please provide evidence substantiating this claim.

Worth pointing out that both of those things were posted by one of the dumbest internet pedants to ever be a member here.
Feb 4, 2009
Wait, another guy complaining about a hot 30-something year old woman getting him drunk & blowing him?
What is wrong with modern men.

*she might have been 20-something at the time


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2009
I'm having a hard time picturing this 17 year old as being a victim here... The guy is taking selfies and extorting money rather than going to the police with evidence of his alleged rape. Maybe it's a double standard, maybe it isn't but if I was on a jury he wouldn't get a dime from me based on what is being reported.