Originally posted (edited GF3MX to correct GF4MX) by: TheBug
Personal Test Result
I put four office machines together side by side with identical parts, except the video card. One has the Parhelia that just came in the mail today, the other three have ATi Radeon 8500 64MB, GeForce4 MX, and GeForce 4 Ti4200, respectively. On identical monitors (Sony G400), I asked 7 different co-workers to evaluate the IQ of each without telling them which one is which.
Parhelia got 5 of the 7 votes. The Ti4200 got one, and Rad8500 got the last 1.
Then I figured, since we were all on company time anyway, might as well get more people on the test. So I proceeded to send out a broadcast e-mail to the company and asked whoever was interested to come be a judge.
Parhelia got 29 of the 45 votes. Ti4200 got 12, GF4MX got 2, and Rad8500 got 2.
I'm sure this test is flawed in one way or another, but at least the statistics show that general users (i.e. the non-tech people who pay me to do their tech support) do perceive the differences when the displays are lined-up side-by-side. However, the judging took around 3 minutes on average, suggesting that the differences are not significant.
I also did a separate test on our company's LCD monitors (ViewSonic VE800), and the result was similar.
Personally, I'm going to keep the Parhelia because I'm usually one year out of date in terms of FPS games anyway. I yet have to get my hands on a copy of JKII. Parhelia is enough for me at the moment. Whether people think this test means anything I don't really care. Just figured I'd contribute something to this thread.