I'm the biggest ARMAII guy out there, I've been a player of Operation Flashpoint for 6 years (The guys that made ARMAII made Operation Flashpoint), and I cant stop playing it.
You have to get passed the chunkiness. You have to realize that every single key on the keyboard is used, and that they have to double up on the keys because there isn't enough on a keyboard to fit for the things you can do. The radio has dozens of options you'll have to remember... its a lot of work, but it's worth it imo. After all these years I've remembered the radio commands, and all the 40+ keyboard controls.
For example I can tell you that: "~, 1, 1, ~, 7, 3, ~, 7, 6, ~, 3, 2, ~, 8, 7, ~, 9, 9, 1, ~, 3, 7".
-Select All, Return to formation.
-Select All, Aware
-Select All, Stand up
-Select All, Engage at will
-Select All, Formation Line
-Select All, All team white
-Select All, All scan horizon
This game IS buggy, it IS glitchy BUT, consider this: Operation Flashpoint was BUGGY as hell, it became a polished and amazing game. While I hated ARMAI as it didn't feel like the true successor to OFP, it was the biggest and most buggiest piece of crap when it was released - however, it actually because quite a polished piece of work later down the line. BIS has a a habit of releasing non-completely finished products. ARMAII however, is their best released product so far.
The campaign is bugged, you cant finish it - it will get patched in a few weeks. (I finished it, you can get most of the mission done but then you have to use a skip command). The MP is swarming with COOPS (95%), in a few weeks hackers will kill 80% of the population, and hopefully addon servers will start to take over but will kill the population even more ... so only if your willing to brave the storm and adapt, thats the nature of the game.
BIS is biggest supporter of their fans, they will support this game with patches for years after its release with regular news updates and patches. They are constantly in their forums and personally engage in fan conversations... so while things may get rough you still get a sense of comfort if you keep up with that kinda stuff.
I made an ArmaII video thats completely nuts: