
Senior member
Nov 5, 2006
Greetings Gamers

Has anyone bought and played the full version yet? I have searched everywhere here in So.Cal. and its a no-show.

I went on-line to one of those places where you can download it to your HDD but I passed since it said that it was around 15Gig (can anyone confirm this)

Well, come to think of it I didnt check BBs so maybe its there....please report in, Thanks


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2005
It's ok, but Steam still hasn't patched it(unless it went through today), which leaves a lot of the game horribly gimped.


Jun 15, 2001
The demo was really buggy. I might buy the game, but I'm going to wait for a few patches.


Golden Member
Mar 29, 2008
Haven't bought it yet but will do so. Like Chaotic42 said, I'll wait for the patches to be released.


Diamond Member
Jan 18, 2002
I ordered the disc through Amazon and it won't ship until the first week of August.

The demo is pretty good and I'm playing with the editor that's with it. The most satisfying thing that I've done is have the AI infantry load a serial of UH-1s, transport to an LZ and unload. I'm looking forward to creating massive battles with sea, air and land forces after I get the game. There was a huge user-created mods for Operation Flashpoint, and I'm thinking that the same will be true for Arma2.

My wife will be pissed if she realizes that I bought the game and that I'm not playing a demo any more.


Sep 22, 2007
Originally posted by: keird
I ordered the disc through Amazon and it won't ship until the first week of August.

The demo is pretty good and I'm playing with the editor that's with it. The most satisfying thing that I've done is have the AI infantry load a serial of UH-1s, transport to an LZ and unload. I'm looking forward to creating massive battles with sea, air and land forces after I get the game. There was a huge user-created mods for Operation Flashpoint, and I'm thinking that the same will be true for Arma2.

My wife will be pissed if she realizes that I bought the game and that I'm not playing a demo any more.

I ordered it from NWS Online a couple weeks ago and got it about 5 days later. To my surprise, it was the US release as well, as I had been expecting to get the UK release.


Sep 22, 2007
Originally posted by: Sam25
Haven't bought it yet but will do so. Like Chaotic42 said, I'll wait for the patches to be released.

Based on my experience with Operation Flashpoint and ArmA I, I was expecting a buggy mess that I'd play a couple of times, put down, and then pick up again in a few months once patches and mods made it a great game. So far, I've played a few of the canned scenarios, and I am surprised to say that I am impressed so far. Maybe I need to play it some more and I will find more bugs, etc, but the only major issue I have had is the bug that is affecting some people who have 8 GB of RAM. If any of you have 8 GB of RAM and load it up to find the graphics all messed up, just put the -winxp switch after the ArmA2 executable in the shortcut and it should fix the issue.



Senior member
Nov 5, 2006
Hi Guys
Well, I bought the game and DL'd it from STEAM. The DL'd is about 9 gig so if your gonna do it from them just be aware....its huge :)

The demo for me was pretty buggy so I was wondering about the full version and so far it runs very smooth, however, I am just doing the boot-camp stuff and not one glitch yet. After a dew hours of playing I'll report back
and tell how it is...later all.



Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2004
I'm the biggest ARMAII guy out there, I've been a player of Operation Flashpoint for 6 years (The guys that made ARMAII made Operation Flashpoint), and I cant stop playing it.

You have to get passed the chunkiness. You have to realize that every single key on the keyboard is used, and that they have to double up on the keys because there isn't enough on a keyboard to fit for the things you can do. The radio has dozens of options you'll have to remember... its a lot of work, but it's worth it imo. After all these years I've remembered the radio commands, and all the 40+ keyboard controls.

For example I can tell you that: "~, 1, 1, ~, 7, 3, ~, 7, 6, ~, 3, 2, ~, 8, 7, ~, 9, 9, 1, ~, 3, 7".

-Select All, Return to formation.
-Select All, Aware
-Select All, Stand up
-Select All, Engage at will
-Select All, Formation Line
-Select All, All team white
-Select All, All scan horizon

This game IS buggy, it IS glitchy BUT, consider this: Operation Flashpoint was BUGGY as hell, it became a polished and amazing game. While I hated ARMAI as it didn't feel like the true successor to OFP, it was the biggest and most buggiest piece of crap when it was released - however, it actually because quite a polished piece of work later down the line. BIS has a a habit of releasing non-completely finished products. ARMAII however, is their best released product so far.

The campaign is bugged, you cant finish it - it will get patched in a few weeks. (I finished it, you can get most of the mission done but then you have to use a skip command). The MP is swarming with COOPS (95%), in a few weeks hackers will kill 80% of the population, and hopefully addon servers will start to take over but will kill the population even more ... so only if your willing to brave the storm and adapt, thats the nature of the game.

BIS is biggest supporter of their fans, they will support this game with patches for years after its release with regular news updates and patches. They are constantly in their forums and personally engage in fan conversations... so while things may get rough you still get a sense of comfort if you keep up with that kinda stuff.

I made an ArmaII video thats completely nuts:


Oct 17, 2000
tagged for later. been eye'ing this game from past threads... was a HUGE HUGE fan of Operation Flashpoint....


Senior member
Jun 30, 2000
I thought this was released on June 25th? I can seem to find it locally at any of the stores. Might have to buy it at Newegg or Amazon?!?


Diamond Member
Nov 10, 2004
Originally posted by: viperbri
I thought this was released on June 25th? I can seem to find it locally at any of the stores. Might have to buy it at Newegg or Amazon?!?

I think that date was for overseas. For US release Amazon has it for July 20th, Newegg doesn't give a date (not sure if they're shipping yet but show it's in stock) and Best Buy has it on their site but is backordered and none of their stores have it at all.


Senior member
Nov 5, 2006
I thought this was released on June 25th? I can seem to find it locally at any of the stores. Might have to buy it at Newegg or Amazon?!?

You can DL it from the web too. I DL'd it from steam and now that I have done that I am really impressed with that option.

Anything that makes my life a little easier is a big plus in my book :)

On topic with the game though I loaded up my drivers for my HOTAS (CH-Products) and used them to fly around in the tutorial...freaking sweet. I used to be a hard-core Combat sim dude back in the day and just flying around is bringing back some fun, fun memories.

Btw, for those who might be wondering about HOTAS working in the game the HOTAS (CH-Products) I am using:

1) USB Pro Throttle

2) USB Fighterstick

Later All...out!!


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
So what's the consensus with this game? Is the multiplayer coop campaign fun?


Diamond Member
Jan 18, 2002
The multiplayer needs some work. I noticed people timing out in-game and I have been dropped more than a couple of times from a server.

I prefer the single player stuff, though. I've been downloading user-created scenarios and playing around with the editor. The users really push the content forward. As some people get better with scripting, there's a leap in the replayability of single player scenarios and campaigns. I've noted people scripting a FLIR display for helicopters, nukes, and WWII equipment/vehicles.

The engine is more 'realistic' IMO. I'm in the military and have used some of the weapons IRL. Bullet drop is actually rendered. I think that the accuracy is a little off, but the ACOG and trajectory of the bullets is modeled better than most shooters I've played.

As Coldkilla said, I expect it to become more polished down the line, including the multiplayer. I personally think it was a good value.


Jul 12, 2000
Yes, and the 1.4 patch came out today.

Make sure you have a descent system if you want to turn up the settings and see just how insanely awesome the game really is.


Diamond Member
Nov 7, 2001
I got it the first week and really enjoyed it, but I got to a part in the campaign where I couldn't continue due to horrible performance. Even lowering the details makes little difference. I check the BIS forums weekly and it still seems to be an issue, so I will wait for now.

If the campaign ran smooth it would be an excellent game, the technical issue hold it back though.


Jun 3, 2001
I'll probably buy it when the patches reach 1.10 and it's only $20. I'm not paying to be a BI beta tester.


Jul 12, 2000
Originally posted by: 43st

If the campaign ran smooth it would be an excellent game, the technical issue hold it back though.

Honestly the best part of the game is playing MP Evolution, Warfare, etc.

The user content is great.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2004
Yea they've really worked hard at fixing most of those annoying bugs. I cannot get enough of playing online.

With the new addition of FLIR & AH64's I'm gunna love it even more.